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Government will bring social security scheme for the workers, for the workers.

Government will bring social security scheme for the workers, for the workers. The government will provide the workers for work in the unorganized sector. The scheme covers compulsory pensions, disability and death, alternative medical, maternity and unemployment coverage. New Delhi: 8. Union Government Labor Akila For the Universal Social Security Scheme (Social Security Scheme) The Labor and Employment Ministry has drafted the Akila Social Security Code, which will include people not covered by EPFO ​​and ESIC.
This plan covers compulsory pensions, handicap and death insurance, alternative medical, maternity and unemployment coverage. The project is being talked to states for participation. This scheme will be launched before the election of the 019 Lok Sabha. A senior official said that the employee has the same amount as the amount contributed by the EPFO ​​and the ESIC. If the entire population is brought in such schemes then there will also be a class that will not agree to this. Now the government is making plans for people living below the poverty line which will be implemented in conjunction with the states. These proposals are circulatory between the ministries and the states. Currently the funding is going on. Funds for Social Security come from the Center but there is also a partnership of the state, eg. If the government gives Rs.300 per month for Old Age Pension, then the state pays more money in addition to it. It's about 1000 rupees. Schemes such as insurance plans, disability benefits, maternity benefits, are also underway. After coming to power in 014, the NDA government announced the strengthening of 44 labor laws. Including wages, social security, health, industrial relations etc. (3-4)

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