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All 8500 railway stations in the country, including rural and remote areas, will be equipped with Wi-Fi facility

All 8500 railway stations in the country, including rural and remote areas, will be equipped with Wi-Fi facility at an estimated cost of Rs 700 crore, in all 8500 railway stations in the country.
A part of the government's ambitious Digital India program, the railways recently started the Wi-Fi service on 216 important Akhila railway stations, about 70 lakh rail-travelers were able to avail the benefits of free internet facility. A senior official of the Ministry of Railways said, "Today the internet has become an integral necessity of daily life. That is why we want to provide this facility to all the stations in the country. " According to the latest meeting, only 1200 stations will be provided with internet facility, while the rest of the 7300 stations are not only for railway passengers, but for the purpose of encouraging e-governance in remote areas including rural areas, local people will be given Wi-Fi Service will be provided

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