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This time has electricity bill increased?

This may be because of the new Delhi. 8: Price of crypto currency such as bitcoin is showing steady growth. Increasing crabs like bitcoin in people can prove to be harmful to ordinary people.
Cyber ​​Security's expert Neil Haskins warned. According to his Akila, hackers may be looking at the smart things at home. They can abuse you in different ways. Due to this, the electricity bill of your home can increase a lot. The excerpt named Acura CryptoJacking this process. According to him, hackers first hack the house's smart things and then blackmail them to leave. Hackers can spread their bangles to people and even buy a bitcoine for themselves. It is claimed that any item connected to the Internet in the house can be hacked. If these items are hacked, your electricity bill will be unusually increased. Moreover, the speed of the computer will suddenly slow down. Or the laptop's battery will be fast down. The cyber security firm said in an interview with The Independent that "the thing which is smart is possible to be hacked." With this, Hacker gets all the three things like Internet, Power and Processing. Expert stated that there is a lot of processing power required for mining the crypto currency. It requires a lot of electricity. 'Huskys say that hackers enter your home through computer, laptop or mobile. You do not need to worry if you have put a protection in all of them.

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