Education News, Current Affairs, G.K., TET/TAT/HTAT Materials, All Exam Result & All Job Updates By JIGAR PRAJAPTI .One Step Ahead In Education....


 It is the time to explore the novel approaches which can give new heights to your future. Your remarkable contribution will be real service to the society and nation.India is considered as a country of youth and youth can do wonders.Be sure about your vision, mission in life and determine your own rules for staying positive and joyous.
Gujarat University has always been committed to materialize your dreams in a best possible way. Our great University has completed journey of about 69 glorious years by imparting education in the faculty of Arts, Commerce, Education, Dental, Medical, Law and Science etc. The learning at our university is not confined to academics. Enormous importance is given to cultural, sports, research, extension, innovation activities and social services. We have learned from the experiences that hard work and progressive idealism teaches us that don’t wait for the opportunity, create it. One must take calculative risks in their life. If you win, you can lead. If you lose, you can guide. 
Gujarat University is well prepared in all spheres to meet all sorts of requisites of the students and stakeholders.
May the almighty shower all the blessings on Gujarat University and it always remains a part of your ever increasing horizons of knowledge and wisdom.  
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