Siraj 6 wickets
In the final of the Asia Cup, the young fast bowler of India, Mohammad Siraj, called the baton and the Sri Lankan team gathered the pavilion in just 50 runs. In the fourth over of Sri Lanka's innings, Siraj took 4 wickets and broke the back of Sri Lanka's batting line-up. After that, Sri Lanka could not stand up and the entire team was all out in just 50 runs.
W . W W 4 W! 🥵
Is there any stopping @mdsirajofficial?! 🤯
The #TeamIndia bowlers are breathing 🔥
4️⃣ wickets in the over! A comeback on the cards for #SriLanka?
Tune-in to #AsiaCupOnStar, LIVE NOW on Star Sports Network#INDvSL #Cricket
W . W W 4 W! 🥵
Is there anyone stopping @mdsirajofficial?! 🤯
The #TeamIndia bowlers are breathing 🔥
4️⃣ wickets in the over! A comeback on the cards for #SriLanka?

Tune-in to #AsiaCupOnStar, LIVE NOW on Star Sports Network #INDvSL #Cricket
એશીયા કપ જીતવાની સાથે ભારતની ટીમ અને ખેલાડીઓ પર ધનવર્ષા થઇ હતી.
- ભારતને વિજેતા ટીમ તરીકે 1,50,000 યુએસ ડોલર ઈનામી રકમ આપવામા આવી.
- શ્રીલંકાની ટીમને ઉપવિજેતા ટીમ તરીકે 75,000 યુએસ ડોલરની ઈનામી રકમ આપવામાં આવી હતી.
- મોહમ્મદ સિરાજને ફાઈનલ મેચમાં મેચવિનિંગ પરફોર્મન્સ માટે મેન ઓફ ધ મેચનો ખિતાબ આપવામાં આવ્યો હતો. સિરાજને આ એવોર્ડ તરીકે US $ 5,000 ની ઇનામી રકમ મળી, જે તેણે ગ્રાઉન્ડ્સમેનને આપવાનું નક્કી કર્યું.
- એશિયન ક્રિકેટ કાઉન્સિલ વતી શ્રીલંકાના ગ્રાઉન્ડસ સ્ટાફને તેના બેસ્ટ કાર્ય માટે ઈનામી રકમ તરીકે US $ 50,000 ની રકમ આપવામાં આવી હતી.
The man of the match award was given to the ground staff
Mohammad Siraj who was the hero of this final match was declared man of the match for his match winning bowling. And the man of the match award was given a prize of 5 thousand dollars (4 lakhs) which he donated to the staff of the Columba Cricket Stadium.
While receiving the Man of the Match award, Mohammad Siraj announced that he wanted to donate his prize money to the Sri Lankan groundsmen. Siraj said that the grounds staff have put in a lot of hard work in this series and they truly deserve this award. During the Asia Cup 2023, almost every match was rained out. But due to the hard work of the groundsmen, only these matches could be completed, due to which Mohammad Siraj took the big decision to give them this prize money.

- siraj man of the match prize
- siraj man of the match prize
- Asia Cup Prize money
- asia cup prize money
- asia cup prize money
India was awarded a prize money of US$ 1,50,000 as the winning team.
The Sri Lankan team was awarded a prize money of US$ 75,000 as the runner-up team.
Mohammad Siraj was awarded the Man of the Match for his match-winning performance in the final match. Siraj received a prize money of US $ 5,000 as this award, which he decided to give to the groundsman.
On behalf of the Asian Cricket Council, the grounds staff of Sri Lanka were awarded US$ 50,000 as prize money for their best work.
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