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All body pain will be 1000 feet away from you, just know this secret.

All body pain will be 1000 feet away from you, just know this secret.

In today's fast life, everyone is paying more attention to how to earn or collect more and more money to meet the needs of themselves and their families.

In such a situation, it is normal to become a little careless about one's health. Working late, doing overtime so that we can collect a couple of bucks more.

But health should not be ignored in this matter. More trouble happens when there is pain somewhere in the body due to overwork or for any other reason.

Many friends use pain killer tablets during the problem like pain. Such pills will give you relief for a while, but when the potency of the drug wears off, the pain will return. Home remedies help in that. Today we have brought some simple solutions for you.

Anyone suffering from stomach aches should use mint to get relief. For this, first make a mint paste and then apply this paste on the place where there is pain. By doing this, the pain is quickly relieved.

Turmeric also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is beneficial to drink turmeric milk to get relief from stomach ache and if turmeric powder is mixed with warm oil and massaged with this mixture on the area where the stomach ache.

Consuming cherries is also very beneficial for any pain, inflammation and swelling in the body. It contains antioxidant content that provides relief from pain.

Many friends do not like garlic but let us tell you that consumption of garlic also relieves many pains in the body. Even those friends who suffer from arthritis should consume garlic.

Cloves are a must have in every one of our kitchens. Clove oil should be used for pain in joints, bones or hands and feet. Its use gives quick relief from pain.
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