"Bharat Gyan Pariksha" 2022 by Children University Gujarat - www.cugujarat.ac.in
Declaration No. -CHU.5 / 1/2022Date: 08 / 04 / 2022
In the current academic year, Bharat Gyan Pariksha organized by Children's University, Gandhinagar will be conducted in three stages for students from Std. The examination will be conducted by Children's University, Gandhinagar.

Discovery of the bright stars of the future India
ભારત જ્ઞાન પરીક્ષા ૨૦૨૨ : Objective -- Children's University introduces Bharat Gyan exam. This examination is conducted for the purpose of imparting knowledge of ancient to modern times in the students of 8th to 12th class. The program is statewide. The main objective of this program is to identify and train the talents of the students. - Through this examination, the students will learn about India's spiritual knowledge, intelligence and Introducing innovative systems that reflect endless creativity
- Introduction of child-centered universal metaphysics by the university to make it more responsive to the ideals of Indian culture, Indian nationalism and internationalism and efforts to enrich it complement the existing education system.
Or to develop a new teaching method that becomes alternative and take exams by commuter method to remove the fear of exams from the minds of students,
The purpose is to assist in the need to create a new system of testing services by introducing an eclipse test in place of the memory test.
Applications for this examination are available on the website http://quiz.cugujarat.ac.in. Dated from 10/04/2022 Must be filled online during 26/06/2022.

Sundaram 'Question Paper Format Course -
Study material of 05 subjects selected by the University (excluding current stream) must be downloaded from the website link http://quiz.cugujarat.ac.in.)
Registration Guide:
> Use only one mobile number per registration.
> Before submitting the registration form, you must confirm that you
The given mobile number and e-mail address are correct. > After submitting the registration form, you will receive the login information of the examination portal at your e-mail address.
(1) Student Qualification -
Students studying in Std. 9th to 12th and in Diploma and ITI in the current academic year who are studying in Government School, Granted School, Private School, Local Body School or any recognized Institution in the State of Gujarat will be able to take these examinations as per the following table. .
Exam Eligibility:
First Satyam - Std. 9 to 12 and Diploma and ITI
Second Shivam - Std. 9 to 12 and Diploma and ITI
Third Sundaram - Std. 10 to 12 and Diploma and ITI
The question paper format and marks - Test structure -
The medium of examination will be Gujarati and English.
This test will be of multiple choice format and Multi Choice Question Based MCQs.
Each question will have one mark.
There will be no negative assessment in the assessment of these tests.

Number of reference subjects: - 05
Total marks: - 100
Total Time: - 05 days
Type of Question: - Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Type - Online - MCQ
Admission Eligibility: -10 to 12 and Diploma and ITI
Passing Marks: - Awarding Certificate of Pass to those who get more than 90% marks.
Will come. The rest of the students participated in the examination (Attempt cert.)
Certificate will be awarded.) The minimum time of the recipient of equal marks will be taken into consideration and from there the selection will be made at the district level.
> Free admission to the first coming student camp in each district.
How to apply online -
This application will be accepted online only by Children University. The Application can be filled at https://quiz.cugujarat.ac.in.
To make and below
Will have to leave.
The application will be considered valid only after the application has been finalized.
You will have to fill in the form.
First of all on https://quiz.cugujarat.ac.in ɂ.
Click Click on SignUp
Click Clicking on SignUp will open the ક leak form.
Requested in Application Format
All the information has to be filled.
Clicking Save Now will save your data.
Payment can be made online via "ATM CARD / NET BANKING".
Then click on "Online Payment".
Select the appropriate option from the "fee" or "Other Payment Mode" option and
Fill in the next details.
After the deposit is made, you have to submit your fee
Will be written and will receive e-rac.
If there is any defect in Aiya
You will see that your fee has not been paid.
If the online fee payer deducts the fee from his / her bank account within 24 hours, e-commerce
If it is not generated, then the e-mail address of the client is bgpcu.2022@gmail.com.
Will be able to dream.
Then check your email ID. You will receive login ID and password by email.
Important Links :
Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 Registration Link Click Here
Registration Page Click Here
Advertisement Gujarati : Click Here
Advertisement English : Click Here
View Brochure : Click Here
jigarpajapati.blogspot.com here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site jigarpajapati.blogspot.com. jigarpajapati.blogspot.com is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site jigarpajapati.blogspot.com for More Updates
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