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The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK Registration year 2021 /2022


The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST with National

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research' (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF), an autonomous body of DST, aims to motivate students in studying in classes 6 to 10. The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children. Under this scheme, schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through this website.

The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK Registration year 2021 /2022

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research' (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF), an autonomous body of DST, aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10. The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children. Under this scheme, schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through this website till 15th October,2021.
New circular

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

જિલ્લા કક્ષાના આયોજન બાબત લેટર માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

આપણી કૃતિ કે મોડેલ કે idea કઈ રીતે રીતે અપલોડ કરી શકાશે તે વિડીયો જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ઇન્સ્પાયર એવોર્ડ બાબત મહત્વપૂર્ણ ઓલ ઇન વન લિંક

INSPIRE-Award-Scheme 2021

This scheme is being operationalised as per the following steps:
Awareness and capacity building of District, State and School level functionaries across the country through regional workshops, audio-visual tools and literature.
Organising internal idea competitions in schools and nominations of two to three best original ideas, in any Indian language, by the respective Principal/Headmaster online through E-MIAS (E-Management of INSPIRE Awards MANAK Scheme) portal. The schools should register themselves on E-MIAS portal.Shortlisting of top 1,00,000 (one lakh) ideas, with potential to address societal needs through Science & Technology by NIF.
Disbursement of INSPIRE Award of INR 10,000 into the bank accounts of short-listed students through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme.
Organisation of District Level Exhibition and Project Competition (DLEPC) by District/State authorities and shortlisting of 10,000 best ideas/innovations for State Level Exhibition and Project Competitions (SLEPC).
Organisation of State Level Exhibition & Project Competition (SLEPC) for further shortlisting of top 1,000 ideas/innovations for the National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC). At this stage, NIF will provide mentoring support to students for development of prototypes, in coordination with reputed academic and technology institutions of the country.
Selection of ideas/innovations will be based on novelty, social applicability, environment friendliness, user friendliness and comparative advantage over the existing similar technologies.
Showcasing 1,000 best ideas/innovations at the National Level Exhibition & Project Competition (NLEPC) and shortlisting of top 60 innovations for national awards and future direction.જ
Consideration of top 60 ideas/innovations by NIF for product/process development and their linkage with other schemes of NIF/DST and their display at the Annual Festival of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (FINE).

  • Check your INSPIRE Award money Status
  • Guidelines to know the project nominated
  • Guideline for Certificate Download
  • Guidelines to update bank details in case of PFMS failure
  • Manual
  • User Manual for Schools - English
  • What kind of submissions will not be encouraged?
  • Guideline to recover username and password: For registered School - English
  • Guideline to recover username and password: For registered School - Hindi
  • How to write title and project synopsis
  • How to update U-DISE Code
  • User Manual for District District Authority User Manual for E-MIAS Portal
  • Idea Competition
Satyamev Jayate No. : GCERT/Science/Inspire/ 2362 Stº Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training, 'Vidyabhavan', Sector-12, Gandhinagar.  Phone : (079) 23256813-39 Director : (079) 23256808 Secretary : (079) 🧨23256813 Fax : (079) 23256812 E-mail : Web : :  in Date : 08-08-2022

 To Principal, Dist. Shi.Ta. Bhavan, All.  District Education Officer, All. District Primary Education Officer, All.

 Subject: On Line Nominations for 2022-23 under INSPIRE Award Scheme - MANAK Reference: 1. DST, New Delhi Letter, dated- 21/06/2022.  2. NIF, New Delhi Letter, dated- 05/08/2022.

 sir,According to the above subject and context, the INSPIRE Award Scheme MANAK ud soll is a joint initiative of the Department of Science and Technology, India and National Innovation Foundation-India, which has been implemented since 2009.  Accordingly the online school registration and online nomination process for the year 2022-23 has started from 01/07/2022 like every year.  and dt.  To close on 30/09/2022.

 According to this, 3 best original ideas/innovations by the school having class 6 to 8 and 2 by the school having class 9-10 E-Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) web portal (www.  to be uploaded by the student/school.  According to this scheme, the student's original ideas/innovations are selected in the student's account Rs.  10000 is deposited as award amount which is to be used for travel expenses related to preparation of model and participation in district exhibition.  All diets have guidelines on school registration and nomination process available.  Necessary guidance to the schools in this regard will be provided by the Diet-District Nodal Officer. Computer Name : 
According to this, Diet Taluka Liaison should coordinate with SVS and BRC every 10 days and record the details of how many schools have been nominated and how many schools are left.  The District Nodal Officer concerned with this operation of the Diet has to coordinate all these matters with the Taluka Liaison.  In this regard, an online meeting will be organized and reviewed from the GCERT level in the near future.

 Taking into consideration all the above details, the Diet with the joint signature of the Principal, DEOShri, DPEOShri, informs all the SVS Convenors/ TPEOs/ BRC/ CRCs and all the schools regarding making maximum nominations within the time limit.  thanks co,(D.S.Patel) Director,Notice of sending copy is good:GCERT, Gandhinagar,Commissioner, Office of Schools, Gandhinagar.Director, Office of the Director of Primary Education, Gandhinagar.  Dr.  Vipin Kumar, Director, NIF- Gandhinagar. Computer Name : SCIENCE1INSPIRE AWARD

Official website
E-MIAS User Guide Video for School Authority

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