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Subject: Issue of Identity Card with photo to all working teachers of Government Primary Schools as well as Government and Grant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools. With respect to. Approval obtained from the proceedings note of the meeting of Project Memogal Board dated 10/09/2018 under the entire Education, Annual Work Endowment Budget Year 2017-20.

All the States and Union Territories under 30, all working teachers of their primary, secondary and higher secondary schools will be provided with photographs, name of the teacher, designation, black name, school (UDISE code and full address of the school (including village, taluka, Nijdhani details) etc.

Identity Card (Teacher Identity Card) is directed to be issued to the working teachers of Government Primary Schools under the control of SAPA as well as Government and Grant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools if Tier Identity Card (Teacher Certificate) with photo is issued in the following details ( A) To inform the office here as per and if any Tier Identity Card is yet to be issued, follow the instructions as per the following details (B).

Page 1 of 3 (A) If a Teacher Identity Card (Teacher Identity Card) has been issued to the Government Primary Schools in your district / corporation as well as to the currently working teachers of Maryakari and Prant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools. If the letter of attestation is sorted, the information in the following form should be sent in day-2. Category with Kilo / Corporation and Ter 34 total teachers to whom photograph, name of teacher, designation, name of school management teachers, school DISE.

Cod and full address of the school Boundetty card number (including details of village, taluka, district) War tier Identity of the issuer of the information What (Mick identity card) is issued or number of teachers (district / block / narrative) Government Primary Z-In If there is no need to issue a Tier Identity Card to E or Mathamika, Urchasam BI (B), the design approved by the office here for (1) Tier Identity Card (Teacher Identity) is also sent along with it.

All the details have to be prepared and an identity fard has to be prepared. Teachers who have not been issued Teacher Identity Card (Teacher Identity Card) have to be shown at the district / corporation level as per the notified 'Zain'. You can adopt your own leading planning and approach for the implementation of this project. For the internal procurement process, it is mandatory to follow the existing Act norms and rules of the Government. 3] Selection of the material of the card to enhance the life and usefulness of the county card from the district / corporation level.

Innovative work can be done by deciding on the quality of printing, type - type as well as RTID, QR Code, etc. (Before issuing the identity card, it is advisable to verify the identity of each teacher with photocopy and retirement details.) All working 100% teachers of government primary schools as well as government grant-in-grade secondary and higher secondary schools will have to ensure that identity card with photo is issued and Metha identity card will be kept with them in the school.

(Based on the information received from the teachers currently using Teacher Identity Card, a grant of Rs. 50 / - per teacher for the remaining teachers will be allotted to the district / corporation project chamber of the entire rickshaw as per the prescribed well jet for the district / corporation. 2 of 3. Government and Grant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary School Teachers for the issuance of Nidanti Card. Bidan Teacher Minority Card Design ૫ Bharti Jai Bhartu Mard ne% va '(1) Office of the Director, Plates, Commissionerate Schools, Block No. 3/1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gandhinagar, (ii) Director , Office of the Director of Primary Education, Primary Education, Block No. 12/1, min


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