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ધોરણ ૩ જુન માસ – માસવાર આયોજન – તમામ વિષયનું ઈ કન્ટેન્ટ

Online study can be simply called internet based education system. In the Corona virus, when the government closed all schools and educational institutions indefinitely, online education was promoted in many countries, including India. As every child today has access to the internet, it has also become a popular medium of education. Through this, teachers can communicate with their students sitting in any corner of the country or the world through the internet.

However, the concept of online education is not new. It has been offered through various platforms for many years, but was not taken seriously. However, due to the lockdown, its use increased rapidly and students who could not go to school could virtually resume their incomplete studies. Had it not been for this medium of education, surely the education of crores of children would have been skipped in the middle.

What is online education
In simple language we can understand online education as a system by which students can get education through internet and electronic devices like computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets from the comfort of their own home. In this new education system, the constraints of distance and time have been completely removed. Students can study wherever they want with the help of real time or recorded lecturer.
ધોરણ ૩ જુન માસ - માસવાર આયોજન - તમામ વિષયનું ઈ કન્ટેન્ટ

Our teachers and governments have also been instrumental in popularizing digital education in this era of epidemics. Many schools have started regularly imparting the teaching activities of their teachers to the children in virtual form. This has made it extremely convenient for students to study at home. For example, under the Smile project of Rajasthan government, daily study material, video, audio, etc. are delivered to school children through WhatsApp. This new initiative has made the education system easier rather than disrupted.

Online learning mediums have become popular for many reasons. It is easy to operate and the facilities provided are easily accessible to every human being. This is the reason that online classes are running from nursery classes to big degree courses and children also participate in it with interest. All you need is a good internet connection to join this class. It trains children through video, audio and web content. Online education has been legalized since 1993.

Difficulties and Opportunities in Online Education System (Online Education Challenges And Opportunities In Hindi)
So far, the online education system is in its infancy, so it has not been implemented enough to identify the problems in the system. But due to many big and fundamental reasons even today not all children are able to benefit from this method. The first problem is the lack of high speed internet. Even today the speed of internet in remote provinces is not enough to attend online classes. The second problem is with the electronic device. Smart phones etc. are not given to the children of middle and lower families or the financial status of the family is not such that it can meet these expenses.

A major hurdle is also that as it is a new medium of instruction for teachers, traditional teachers are reluctant to introduce themselves to such technology. If we talk about the possibilities of online education, in this age of internet the importance of this method is increasing rapidly. Today many institutes are providing online courses at the homes of students preparing for the competition. Distance learning institutions are also increasingly moving towards this option. Thus we can see unprecedented growth in the field of online education in India in the coming decade.



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