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Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution

Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution:

Discover Plenty of under-utilized features which can ease your life and make you smart user of your phone. Do you know you can share your internet via BLE, WiFi, USB with others - If you are out of battery you can charge it with other mobile - No internet use GMaps offline to find your location - Leave no history via using Incognito - and many more.

Starting from automating daily tasks, approaches which reduces efforts, tricks which helps utilizing smart way in efficient manner, etc are shown in text & video format to understand in better way.
Not just a phone, learn using your Android device as real SMART phone. Best part is you can use this app in offline mode also

When there is any defect in the phone, take him to the service center. Here you also have to spend heavily. In such a situation, if you check yourself before giving a call in the service center, what is wrong with it, will save both your time and money.

For this, you can take help of some applications. Also, while buying an old phone, you can also know with the help of these applications what are the problems in the phone.

Next, we are giving you information of five such applications which will give you information about the problem available in the phone..

1.Phone Doctor Plus - Phone Doctor Plus

With the help of this application, you can easily know what is the problem in the phone. Its specialty is that it will give you information about every part and component of the phone. Also, this app is capable of testing 30 hardware items and sensors. Apart from this, by using this you can check not only the problem of the phone but also the earphone and microphone and also know about the problem present in them. Android phone users can download the Phone Doctor Plus app for free from the Google Play Store.
  • in a browser.

2. Test Your Android - Test Your Android

tricks are explained step by step. 

અહીંથી જુઓ મોબાઈલ ના ટોપ ટેન સેટિંગ

If you are buying an old phone, then definitely use this app. Through this, you can know that there is some problem in the phone you are buying. In the Test Your Android application you can check not only the phone battery, screen or camera but also the sound, flash light, touch screen, microphone, wifi, GPS and almost all parts of the phone to see if there is any defect in them. The Test Your Android application is available for free download on the Google Play Store.

3. Phone Health Check and Test - TestM- Smartphone Condition Check & Quality Report Phone Health Check and Test

Using this application you can fully check your phone that there is a problem in its part. In this, you can get the complete information of the phone, including the phone's model number, brand, product, serial number, display, operating system, RAM, camera, screen, and internal storage. This application is also available for free downloading on the Google Play Store.

4. Phone Tester - Phone Tester

This application will help you to check the complete information of your phone, which includes hardware and software, besides the general information of the phone. Also, the guarantee of the phone and its manufacturing date, serial number, EMEI can also be checked. You can also know how old the phone is by using the phone tester. It is also available on the Google Play store with free downloading.

Phone Doctor Plus - Apk

5. Test My Android Phone - Test My Android Phone

If you want to check the hardware of your Android phone then you can use this application. In this, you will get the facility of GPS tester, Bluetooth tester, camera tester and sound tester. After which you can know if there is any problem in your phone. Consumers can download Test My Android phone from the Google Play Store for free. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates
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