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The hassle of subscribing to a TV channel has come to an end. Now choose a channel from home with this TRAI Channel Selector App

The hassle of subscribing to a TV channel has come to an end. Now choose a channel from home with this TRAI Channel Selector App
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TRAI Channel Selector App Download For TV Subscriptions And Take Channels
Customers will be able to choose their channels at their fingertips by TRAI Channel Selector App
Will soon join other cable operators as well
With TRAI’s New Regulation Consumers have the freedom to select TV Channels.

TRAI Channel Selector App Download For TV Subscriptions And Take Channels

Download TRAI Channel Selector From Here

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Thursday launch a channel selector app. With the help of this app, customers will be able to watch their TV subscriptions and take channels. As per their interest. Channels you don’t want to watch can also be delete. Through the Channel Sector app.

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Customers will be able to choose their channels at their fingertips by TRAI Channel Selector App

TRAI said in a statement on Thursday that after the announcement of the new tariff directive for broadcasting services. Consumers were having trouble choosing the channels of their choice. Through the web portals and apps of their distributed platform operators.
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TRAI decide to develop this app. Will receive data from the DPO. These channels are currently working with the major DTH operatorS. As well as multi-system operators of the Selector app. TRAI said the facility will also connect with other service providers.

Hence, the Channel Selector Application shall be a common app. To support customers for fetching current subscriptions from their DTH/Cable operator. It provides options of selection of channels/bouquets. Moreover optimize their channel selection. As well as set customer subscription of their choice on their DTH/Cable operator’s platform.

Will soon join other cable operators as well

The regulator said it has developed a TV channel selector app. This gives customers the opportunity to select TV channels through a transparent and global system. The mobile number of the subscribers will be registered for this process. If a subscriber does not register a mobile number with his DPO, he will be sent an OTP on the TV screen. The customer will be able to choose the channels of his choice through the app at the current rates or lower rates. Trai’s Channel Selector app is available on Google Play Store and Apple Store. The feature of this app is that the customer will be able to optimize his selection before sending a request to DTH or cable operators.

Some DTH/Cable operators who are yet to onboard are not available. As soon as these DTH/Cable operators are ready to integrate with the app shall be available
With TRAI’s New Regulation Consumers have the freedom to select TV Channels.

As per TRAI’s new regulation for the Television and Broadcasting Sector having come into force, Consumers have the freedom to select Television (TV) Channels they wish to watch.

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TRAI envisions a scalable model in which consumers can securely communicate with the platforms managed by their DTH/Cable Operators. The Channel Selector application will facilitate customers to choose channels/bouquets of their interest among the offerings provided by their respective DTH/Cable Operators.

Read Full News In Detail Here

Channel Selector application will suggest an optimum configuration of bouquets based on channels desired by the subscriber so as to reduce total monthly bill.

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