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Online Training of Women Teachers in Physical Education as well as Community Motivation - Regarding "International Women's Day March-2021"

Reference: (1) Correspondence from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India: F. No. As per the letter dated 6.5 / SAl / FIT INDI / 2020, dated 8.02.2011 (2) Honor on note. Subject to the above subject and reference as per the approval received from SPD, to meet the Ministry of Women and Child Development under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Fit India Movement on the occasion of International Women's Day 2021.


Online Training of Women Teachers in Physical Education as well as Community Motivation - Regarding "International Women's Day March-2021"
The online training for education as well as community orientation program will be organized in 3 parts from 08.05.2021 to 3.05.2021. The female teacher participating in this program will be trained by the best specialist.

The use of which will increase the physical capacity as well as health of women. Who can join this online training? (1) Primary school teachers who conduct physical education activities in the school.

(3) Secondary school teachers: Teachers who conduct physical education as well as community motivation programs in the school. (2) Aspiring teachers as well as coaches will be given this training free of cost and a certificate will be given to the teacher who has received 50% training as well as a certificate of merit will be given to the teacher who has achieved 50% in the online examination. Attached is the link for registration as well as the outline of the program.
Regarding the celebration of various programs under "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav", Reference: 1. DDO No. 19-10 / 2060 EE - 1, dated 05/06/2071 2, letter no. 19081/114 / W.2, dated 07/06/2021 51. Complete education / Makam / 2031 / 2-9, dated 05/06/2021

according to the above subject and context, to state that in the sense of celebrating 5 years of independence - Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav "is to be celebrated. As part of this celebration program, the "Dandi March" program will be launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 12th March 2031. Various programs, activities and competitions will be organized across the country in view of this "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav celebration program".

With this in mind, it is suggested to bring awareness in the students about this and to organize the following activities at school, taluka and district level in accordance with the 7 years of independence of their country. Regarding the above matter, at the district level as the District Education Officer Convener and the District Primary Education Officer as the Co-Convener, the primary and secondary school students are asked to organize awareness programs and competitions. Will be able to through.

Twitter- @ EduMin Ofindia, Facebook - EduMin Ofindia Instagram - EduMinОfindia In addition, the district will have to prepare an integrated report of their district and send it to the district diet. Diet will have to send this report to the GCERT office.

Mahila Shikshak Talim - Sharirik Shikshan
General file & note 2020-21: Bicycle rallies will have to be organized for the students of secondary and higher secondary schools in each district. Topics for Conference Seminars Talk / Webinar and Presentation Freedom and Sustainability One of these topics • Post-Independence Achievements of India Gujaratis One of these subjects is the true concept of democracy. .

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