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Online Textbooks Indent System: | Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22

Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021 | Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22

Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22

GSBSTB Textbooks Online Registration 2021-22 Details here.The school has to register for entering data in the online textbook indent system on official website registration can be done from the website register enter the school's UDISE code, headmaster's name, and mobile number.follow full guide below given.


Online Textbooks Indent System: | Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22

Std.1 to 8 - Procedure for registration at
school level:

1. The school has to register on the website to enter the data in the on-line
textbook indent system. 2. Name of the head
teacher and mobile number using the
school's own UDISE code Do school registration.

Type of School: Government, Granted, KGBV,
Ashram School, Model School and Select the medium.School of Std. 1 to 8 to choose its own taluka / municipality . If there is a school of standard 1 to 12, they have to select both taluka / municipality and SVS.

3. Free textbooks of Std. 1 to 8 will be available to the school only from the selected taluka / municipality.

4. If the name of the head teacher of the school and the change in mobile isnoticed, the school can change the information by contacting its Taluka Primary Education Officer or Govt. Officer (UDISE code is required.)

Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Vidyayan, Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar. Special Instruction for Government / Aided Primary and Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools and KGBV / Ashram School / Model School Textbooks are provided free of cost to 12th standard students. Gujarat State School Textbook Board has created a web portal called to make this whole operation online. The concerned are hereby informed to implement the following instructions promptly.

1. Vaishti of 31st August 2016 of Std. 1 to 8 of the school in Taluka / Municipality. According to the demand letter based on the number, 40 TPEO will have to complete the entry of ONLINE TEST from 02/01/2017, 15.00 hrs to 15/01/2017, 23.59 hrs.
2. The last date for secondary and higher secondary schools to send demand letter to svs is 20/01/2017 based on the number of status of their school standard 9 to 12 on 3rd August 2016.

3. svs school has to complete the entry of ONLINE INDENT from 21/01/2017, 15.00 hrs to 31/01/2017, 23 59 hrs. After these dates any KGBV Asha School / Model School, TPE0, 40 or svs The demand will not be accepted and due to which the students will not get the textbooks under the free scheme, all the responsibility will be borne by the principal of that school. General instructions on the operation of the online Teddartbook Ecdator are available on the above website.
5. The school will select the standard, medium, subject, enter the required numberof textbooks (as per CTS) and submit.

6. For the demand of textbooks for the academic year 2021-22, the number of
students as per CTS will be checked online
and then the demand will be accepted.
7. Then click on Request Books-> STD I TO 8
ROUND 1. 8. Demand Books STD1 to 8 Round
- 1
Select and enter the CTS wise number in the
9. Check the Entry Report Std 1 report in the
Reports menu to get this information in the
form of a report.
10. After entering all the above information
and verifying the report, clicking on “confirm and Lock" in the report will lock your
information. Will have to. More 

Online Textbooks Indent System: | Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22

Important Link:


Read Instructions: Click Here .

Apply Online : | Online Textbooks Indent System: 2021-22 Textbooks
Online Registration 2021-22 Details here.The school has to register for entering data in the online textbook indent system on official website registration can be done from the website here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for 

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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