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GSQAC School Accreditation Antargat School nu List Mokli Aapva Babat GCERT no Letter

GSQAC School Accreditation Antargat School nu List Mokli Aapva Babat GCERT no Letter

Mokli Aapva Babat GCERT no Letter

Reference to send the list of schools of school accreditation: From the letter of the Office of the Director of Primary Education

તારીખ 02-02-2021 ની શાળાઓની યાદી

Click here to All District List

તારીખ 08/09-02-2021 ની શાળાઓની યાદી

★ જિલ્લા વાઇજ શાળાઓની યાદી

School Accreditation / 20-21 / 6192-6244 Regarding the above subject and reference, to state that the process of accreditation will start from 02/2/2021 in the schools of the state.
The school must be full-time (10:30 to 5:00) on the day the accreditation process takes place. Attached is the district wise list of schools which are to be accredited by the School Inspectors (SI).

■સ્કૂલ ઇસ્પેકટર આવે એટલે તૈયાર રાખવાના ડોક્યુમેન્ટ

or location.

સ્કુલ અક્રેડિયેશન હોમ લર્નિંગ (સ્કૂલ વિઝીટ વખતે SI દ્વારા ભરવાનું થતું ફોર્મ લેટસ્ટ)



The schools as per this list are visited by the school inspector on 2/2/2021. If the school inspector cannot visit the school due to an accidental reason or because he / she is engaged in electioneering, he / she will inform the school in advance.

List of schools to be accredited on 2/2/2021

"Dekho Apna Desh" ni Theme Par Webinar Shreni nu Aayojan Karva Babat Niyamak Sir no letter
The series of webinars on the theme of 'Dekho Apna Desh' is to be organized according to the above topic and context.

Minister of State for Tourism and Culture, Government of India, New Delhi, Ta. According to the letter dated 11/11/2020, a series of webinars has been organized by the Ministry of Culture on the theme 'Look at your country' under the History and Culture of India.

Pursuant to which students of all schools in the state have been asked to participate in the main labyrinths.

So all the primary schools under your jurisdiction are instructed to give necessary instructions in this regard.

GSQAC School Accreditation Antargat School nu List Mokli Aapva babat GCERT no Letter

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