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Maths Puzzles With Answers 08

Portability is a relatively new facet introduced for mediclaim policies in India. Now, you don’t necessarily have to get your policy renewal done with the same insurer year after year. New insurers are coming with lucrative deals

So, you can compare medical insurance companies in India and select the provider of best policies on your medical policy renewal. The portability feature of health insurance in India essentially allows mediclaim policyholders switch from one insurer to another. You can retail all your accrued benefits even if you decide to change your policy provider.

I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, but how?

Answer: When it is 9 AM, add 5 hours to it and you will get 2 PM.

Answer : 

14 + 19 = 33 (insert 1 in the middle) => 313

25 + 13 = 38 (insert 2 in the middle) => 328

7 + 18 = 25 (insert 3 in the middle) => 235

10 + 40 = 50 (insert 4 in the middl e) => 540

Final answer: 540

There are many reasons why policyholders choose to port their mediclaim policy. Mediclaim policyholders change insurers if they find an insurer with better deals. Sometimes, inefficient services by existing providers force policyholders look for a new medical insurance company in India. Ever since its introduction, portability has proved to be beneficial for policyholders. Here are the advantages of porting of health insurance in India

You can port your mediclaim policy in India to another insurer for free.

Both individual mediclaim policy and family floater policies are eligible for mediclaim policy portability.

All benefits earned by medical insurance policyholder regarding waiting period and NCB are retained when they port the mediclaim policy to new insurance provider.

Conditions regarding medical policy portability

IRDAI imposes some terms and conditions and deadline for all policyholders willing to port their mediclaim policy have to maintain. Policyholders in India also have to go by guidelines set by IRDAI. Here are some vital guidelines about portability of medical cover in India

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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