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Why is it and since when? This is the perfect answer ..

Why is it and since when?  This is the perfect answer ...

The MSP system was also in place during the Mughal and Rajput regimes, traditionally accepted after independence but with no legal guarantees.

 According to the report of Shantakumar Punch, only 6% of the farmers in the country sell their produce as per MSP, therefore the Punch has recommended to abolish this system.

 The nationwide agitation of the peasants against the three laws known as the Agricultural Reforms does not take the name of resolution.  All attempts at persuasion by the government have failed.  The biggest doubt in the minds of farmers who announced the closure of India on Tuesday is related to the minimum support price for MSP.  He fears the new law will shut down the MSP.  Despite Minister of State for Agriculture Narendrasinh Tomar's assurance that the MSP will not be discontinued, the farmers are adamant on their demand for repeal of the new law by giving legal sanction to the MSP provision.  What is MSP, who decides it, on what basis, do farmers know anything about the MSP of any agricultural product?

 What is MSP?  Why have

 As more than half of India's population is engaged in agriculture-based employment, the Indian economy is largely agricultural.  Therefore, getting affordable prices of agricultural produce to farmers remains the priority of the government.

 Twice a year (during sun crop and kharif crop season) the government-appointed Punch announces a minimum support price to prevent losses to farmers and if no one buys agricultural produce at this price in the open market, the government itself stops farmers from losing by buying.

 The purpose of doing so is to unite the market and stop exploiting farmers by offering low prices.  Or when a bumper product is produced and the price goes down, there is a name to prevent the farmer from getting hurt.

From the time of Sher Shah Suri, care was taken not to harm the farmers, which was also prevalent in the Rajput rule.

 MSP was also in Mughal and Rajput rule

 Traders in India have traditionally felt that farmers get affordable prices and farming is not ruined.

 During the reign of Sher Shah Suri, it was customary for the state to purchase a portion of the farmers' produce.  The Mughal emperors also continued this practice.

 The princely states of Jodhpur, Jaipur and Bikaner used to buy and store grains and pulses at the time of harvest so that the farmers could get affordable prices and distribute the same grains in times of drought.  It was also a kind of MSP today.

 Since independence, every government has made the MSP system more sophisticated with necessary reforms.  The current NDA government is also saying that this system will continue.

 Who determines the MSP?

The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) has been constituted by the Central Government to fix the prices of agricultural produce.

 The CACP consists of a chairman, a secretary, a government-appointed agronomist and two farmers directly involved in agriculture.  Interestingly, for the last some time, both the vacancies of the farmers' section in the CACP have been vacant.  This means that the minimum support price is being decided by the officials in the absence of farmers.

 How is MSP determined?

 MSP is determined on a total of 23 types of farm products as per the norms set by the Commission.  These include 7 cereals, 5 pulses, 7 oilseeds and 4 cash crops.

 The MSP is announced twice a year by the Punch taking into account the factors of planting, yield, demand and supply of each of these crops across the country.

 Arrangements for Kisan Mandali and Market Yard are in place by the state governments to get prices to the farmers as per the MSP declared by the Punch.

Farmers fear that the report of the Shantakumar Commission has recommended the abolition of MSP

 So where is the problem, brother?

 The Commission has no legal or constitutional basis to decide the system of MSP.  Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.

 Another requirement is that the government may close down the system.

 The reason why farmers are afraid that the present government will stop the system is the Shantakumar Punch.  In 2014, the central government formed a commission headed by Shantakumar before implementing agricultural reforms.


વાંચો સંપૂર્ણ સમાચાર ગુજરાતીમા

 One of the various findings of the commission was that out of 90 million farming families, only 6% sold their produce on MSP.  That means 94% sold in the open market or through intermediaries.

 The government passed 3 agriculture bills based on the findings of the Shantakumar Punch.  The Shantakumar Commission also suggested abolishing the MSP, which the government has not implemented.  But given the provisions of the three controversial laws, farmers fear that the government may repeal the MSP in the near future

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