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Circular regarding the postponement of NTSE Examination 2020 at present

Circular regarding the postponement of NTSE Examination 2020 at present

NTSE Exam 2020 is a matter of learning enough salvation.It is currently postponed enough. Students will also be informed about the date of the examination as well as the Hall ticket bounce after that. MOM State Examination Board, Gandhinagar

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a scholarship exam conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for identifying talented students who want to pursue higher education in Science and Social Studies streams.

Every time you finish a chapter, you must solve a sufficient number of NTSE Practise Questions until you feel confident about the chapter. You must also take NTSE Mock Tests and evaluate your performance. Based on your performance in the tests, you must work on your weaknesses, both academically and skill-wise.

To ensure good preparation for the exam, the students need to refer relevant books related to NTSE syllabus. Referring to the books published by NCERT is undoubtedly the first choice for all the aspirants. Besides this, there are about thousands of books available for NTSE preparations. Which is the best-suited book to refer for the preparation? Find the answer to this question in the table below. It highlights some of the most prominent books based on NTSE syllabus for your preparation. The following books have been used and been effective for the students in the past for the examination.

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For better practice, students must solve, practice and analyze as many NTSE question papers as possible. They make one familiar with the NTSE exam pattern, marking scheme, exam duration and more.  It is suggested that students must try and complete the sample papers or previous years’ question papers within the stipulated time. 

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)- This section tests the academic skills of the student constituting questions from the NCERT books of class 10. The questions in this paper usually circumscribe chapters from the subjects the students are already acquainted with in school, for example, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, history, geography, civics, economics, and general knowledge. This examination is 90 minutes long.

Remember and try not to be a master of all trades, prepare well, stay away from excessive stress, eat healthily and do not deprive yourself of sleep at all. A healthy brain and body always prove to be assets at the time of the examination. Small changes in the daily routine can help a student become really focused, prepared and successful in the NTSE examination and help them win a scholarship.

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Yes, you will be selected for NTSE second stage as the selection criteria for NTSE second stage is 80 per cent marks in the state board. Every year, roughly 4000 candidates appear for stage 2 of the NTSE exam. The ones who clear stage 2 with the minimum marks defined are eligible for scholarships.

A statue 1·6 m tall, stands on the top of a pedestal. From a point on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of the statue is 60° and from the same point the angle of elevation of the top of the pedestal is 45°. Find the height of the pedestal.

Mental Ability Test (MAT)- This section tests the problem-solving skills of the student. The questions are based to check the mental ability of the applicant through different topics. The examination is 45 minutes long and it is divided into 3 parts namely, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and the grammar section.

As the NTSE exam date approaches near, the aspiring students become more attentive towards their preparation for the examination. Of course, it is a difficult examination to crack as lakhs of students appear for it every year. Considering the cut-throat competition that exists among students, it is important to select the right NTSE books for preparation. Here are some key points that a student must remember while selecting NTSE study material.


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The National Talent Search Examination will be conducted for students studying at the Class X level. The examination consists of tests, namely Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The items in the MAT and SAT are multiple choice questions. Each question has four alternatives. The candidate has to select one correct answer from the given alternatives and mark its number in the answer-sheet as per instructions given on the answer sheet. Each correct answer carries one mark. Thus, the total score of a candidate in a test is equal to the number of questions answered correctly by him/her

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