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Barcoded Ration card Guardian 7 Application form pdf download

Barcoded Ration card Guardian 7 Application form  pdf download

  • નમૂના નં. - ૭ પાલક / ગાર્ડીયનની નિમણૂંક માટેનું અરજી ફોર્મ

Management system

The state level office of the Director, Food and Civil Supplies is located at Gandhinagar to perform the above functions. While for the operation of this office, the District Supply Officer at the district level and the Taluka Mamlatdar at the taluka level perform their duties in their respective fields. 

Fair Price Store (Selection and Appointment)

  • Distribution system of essential items
  • Ration card
  • Transparency and grievance redressal mechanism
  • Vigilance system
  • Rural and urban vigilance committees
  • Organization of the Office of the Director
  • Awareness campaign
  • Monitoring of essential commodity prices
  • Fair Price Store (Selection and Appointment)

Essential Items The work of issuing licenses under the orders issued under the Commodities Act 13 is to be done by the Collector Shri District Supply Officer / Mamlatdar Shri at the district level. For proper management of public distribution system, specific areas are fixed for fair price shops in each taluka and urban area (zone) on the basis of population determined by the State Government for rural and urban areas. After getting the recommendation of the committee, under the chairmanship of the district collector, as per the decision of the district advisory committee, it has to be done by the district supply officer. Besides, licensing is also done at the district level under the Public Distribution System Control Order. 

Distribution system of essential items The Ministry of Food and Public Distribution Management of the Government of India allocates foodgrains and sugar on an annual / quarterly / monthly basis for public distribution. While the Ministry of Petroleum allocates kerosene on an annual / quarterly basis. At the beginning of the month, the quantity of essential items available at the state level is distributed in a district wise manner keeping in view the type of ration card holders, population as well as the standards of essential items available per card in the state. On the basis of which the district supply officers allocate for taluka (village) and urban taluka (zone). While Taluka Mamlatdars / Zonal Officers issue permits to fair price shops, kerosene retailers / hawkers on monthly basis for distribution of essential items for distribution to card holders. Relevant fair price shopkeepers have to get the quantity mentioned in this permit from the godowns under Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation. While the Government of India's Oil Co. The quantity of kerosene permitted by the kerosene agents at Nimel and the district has to be arranged by the doorstep delivery at the fair price shop / kerosene retailer or hawker's place.

અરજી ફોર્મ અહિંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો pdf

 Ration card

Generally, every family residing within the state has the right to get a ration card. For this, the head of the family has to give full details in the prescribed form prescribed by the state government and apply to the office of the Taluka Mamlatdar / Zonal Officer of his area with supporting evidence. As per the provisions of the Citizen's Charter, the Taluka Mamlatdar Shri / Zonal Officer has to check the application of the applicant and as per the requirement, determine the category of the card, obtain the photos and biometric details of the head of the family / members, issue a barcoded ration card. Under the Barcoded Ration Card Scheme, the cardholder has to visit the e-gram / cybercafe on the basis of their biometric details and get the barcoded coupons of the quantity of essential items to be found according to the category of their card. Personal coupons are printed out on all items available to cardholders on A-3 size barcoded coupon sheets. And above those coupons, the name of the card holder, the number of the card, the name of the shopkeeper from whom the quantity is to be received, the quantity of the item to be received for that month, price etc. are also displayed. The state government has priced the coupon sheet at Rs. 5 / - has been decided. A copy of the cardholder is also printed in the middle of the coupon sheet. While the barcoded coupon at both the ends of the A / 3 size paper sheet has to be cut as per the requirement and the quantity shown on the coupon has to be obtained by paying the specified amount to the fair price shopkeeper / kerosene agent / hawker. At the same time, the quantity of essential items received during the month of that year should also be recorded in the baroqueed ration card. Arrangements are also being made in the coming days to make arrangements for the barcoded ration card holder to be able to get the quantity of essential items from any fair price shop

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : Ration card

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