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This is a big announcement made by the decision / Modi government's Diwali gift to government employees, LTC

This is a big announcement made by the decision / Modi government's Diwali gift to government employees, LTC
■ Modi government's Diwali gift to government employees

  ● The central government has given another facility to state employees under the Vacation Travel Concession (LTC) cash voucher scheme.  The government said that under the scheme, people can now buy goods or services in the name of their spouse or other family members.  But these members should be eligible for LTC hire.  The central government has given big gifts to government employees

 ●  In this regard, the Expenditure Department of the Ministry of Finance clarified that no employee has formally opted to join the scheme.  However, he can get the amount on purchase of goods and services with more than 12 per cent GST on or after October 12.  Announcing cash vouchers instead of LTCs, the Expenditure Department said, "Invoices for goods and services purchased under the scheme may be in the name of a spouse or other family member who is eligible for LTC."  To boost demand in the economy, the government has this year announced cash vouchers for its employees instead of Holiday Travel Concessions (LTCs).

 ● Can be used to buy non-food items. These vouchers can only be used to buy non-food items that attract Food and Services Tax (GST).  Employees can use the voucher to purchase products that have a GST rate of 12 percent or more.  Every four years, the government gives LTC to its employees to travel to the place of their choice.  In addition, they are given LTC for their home state travel.

●  Announcing the scheme, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on October 12 that it was difficult for employees to travel this year due to the Kovid-19 epidemic.  In such a situation, the government has decided to give them cash vouchers.  It will have to be spent by March 31, 2021.

● According to Union Minister Prakash Javadekar and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, some important decisions were taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi today.  Union Minister Prakash Javadekar and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman briefed about the decisions.

●  Prakash Javadekar said that this very important meeting has been held before Diwali.  The Central Government has decided to provide production based incentives in 10 sectors of production.  The amount was worth over Rs 2 lakh crore, the Union Minister said in a statement. The Union Minister said that the government has taken this decision in the context of a self-reliant India.  This amount will be given to Advanced Chemistry, Electronics-Technology Project, Automobile Project, Telecom Networking, Textile, Solar, LED and other fields related to LED.

●  Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in a press conference that the government has taken this decision with a view to making India a manufacturing hub and investing in the country.
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