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The good news before Diwali, the central government has approved 29 projects, 15 thousand people will get employmentBefore Diwali

The good news before Diwali, the central government has approved 29 projects, 15 thousand people will get employment
Before Diwali

the central government has given great good news to the youth and farmers of the country.  Cold chain scheme and backward as well as forward linkage scheme have been approved to increase the income of farmers and generate employment.  It will benefit millions of farmers.  At the same time 15 thousand people will also get employment.  These plans ...

HOMEBUSINESS Good news before Diwali, central government approves 29 projects, 15 thousand people will get employment
The good news before Diwali, the central government has approved 29 projects, 15 thousand people will get employment
November 10, 2020 

Before Diwali, the central government has given great good news to the youth and farmers of the country.  Cold chain scheme and backward as well as forward linkage scheme have been approved to increase the income of farmers and generate employment.  It will benefit millions of farmers.  At the same time 15 thousand people will also get employment.  Behind these plans is an investment plan of Rs 443 crore.  This information was given in a meeting chaired by Union Food Processing Industries Minister Narendra Singh Tomar.

Minister Narendrasinh Tomar said that under the cold chain scheme, 21 projects with a cost of Rs 443 crore and a grant of Rs 189 crore have been approved.  The scheme will be very beneficial for farmers, consumers and youth in states like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Himachal, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Nagaland, Punjab, Telangana, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

What is the purpose of Cold Chain Scheme?

The objective of the scheme is to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities from the farm to the consumer without any hindrance.  The Ministry of Food Processes gave this information by tweeting.  The scheme will provide employment to 12,600 people and benefit 2 lakh farmers.

Backward and forward linkage scheme

In addition, the government has approved eight proposals with an expenditure of Rs 62 crore and a grant of Rs 15 crore under the backward and forward linkage scheme.

Read news saurce in Gujarati

The objective of this scheme is to make raw materials available.  These are from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.  Its approval will benefit the farmers of the states by creating infrastructure

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