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Matter of completing the work of distribution of food security allowance.

ફૂડ સિક્યુરિટી એલાઉન્સ વિતરણની કામગીરી પૂર્ણ કરવા બાબત.
Important No .: Mabhay / Amal / 2020/15 - 2 Office of the Commissioner within the time limit of Mid-day Meal Scheme Block 13/1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan Gandhinagar. Dated 31/11/2050
 Per Deputy Collector (M.B.Yo.), District - Ahmedabad, Amreli, Anand, Aravalli, Banaskantha, Bharuch Corporation - Ahmedabad Corpo,

 Subject: - Matter of completing the work of distribution of food security allowance.
 Reference :-( 1) Letter No. dated 19/1020 from the office here: Mabhay / Amal / 2010 / 1905-9 (2) Letter No. dated 9/10/20 from the office here: Mabhay / Amal / 2010 / 15-  20

 Regarding the above subject, stating that as per the order of Food Security Allowance under Mid-day Meal Scheme from 01/04/2030 to 31/05/2050 (21 days) against the allotment of grain and cooking cost, the distribution of food grains and cooking in your district corporation  No, which is considered a very serious matter, so it is advised to complete all the remaining distribution procedures till date in day-4 immediately.  Respect the operation of food security allowance distribution in your district in the coming days.  The post of Chief Secretary will be reviewed in the planned meeting.  You will bring this matter to the notice of the District Collector and the details till date will be brought to his notice.  All the head teachers are instructed to complete the remaining work through the District Primary Education Officer and the Mamlatdars are requested to take action to complete the remaining distribution work of each school.  The daily report of the distribution is said to be uploaded daily on Google Drive.

 Joint Commissioner Lunch Scheme
 Greetings to Gandhinagar: - Per, Collector / Municipal Commissioner - Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Corporation, Amreli, Anand, Aravalli, Banaskantha, Bharuch, good to inform and inform the concerned.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : Circular

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