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1st june starting 200 Train all over India time table

1st june starting 200 Train all over India time table

Due to the epidemic Corona and lockdown, the wheels of Indian Railways have come to a standstill so far. But now the train service is being started in phases. Now it has decided to run non-AC 200 trains from June 1 along with labor and AC trains. Online booking of which has also started. Booking of these trains has also started from 10 am today. In which maximum 30 days advance booking can be done and online booking can be done only. Not only this, with the help of this number of seats tickets will be issued. Now its policy rules have also been announced along with a list of 200 trains. 10 out of 200 trains have been allotted to Gujarat. Most of the trains are from Ahmedabad.

Certain beneficiaries will get connection in this train. Four types of disability category and 11 category patients will get connection. Tourists have to follow the health protocol after reaching the place Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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