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NCERT Books in Hindi & English Medium / NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects

NCERT Books in Hindi & English Medium  /  NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects

NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects for the academic year 2020-2021 in Hindi and English Medium free to download or use online without downloading. According to Class 1 Syllabus, the NCERT Books for class 1 are – English (Marigold – 1), Hindi (रिमझिम – 1), Maths (Maths Magic – 1), गणित (गणित का जादू – 1) and Raindrops (A Special Series of English book).NCERT Solutions for class 1 all subjects will be uploaded in session 2020-21.
NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects,Hindi & English Medium,NCERT Books ,NCERT Books in Hindi & English Medium  /  NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects

NCERT Books For Class 1 All Subjects
Class: 1
Contents: NCERT Books
Medium: Hindi & English Medium

NCERT Books For Class 1 In Hindi & English Medium
NCERT Books For Class 1 Hindi, English, Maths, EVS are given below to free download in English and Hindi Medium for new academic session 2020-21. Download Tiwari Academy Apps for online as well as Offline use.

NCERT Books For Class 1 हिंदी (रिमझिम – 1)
पाठ 1: झूला
पाठ 2: आम की कहानी
पाठ 3: आम की टोकरी
पाठ 4: पत्ते ही पत्ते
पाठ 5: पकौड़ी
पाठ 6: छुक-छुक गाड़ी
पाठ 7: रसोईघर
पाठ 8: चूहो! म्याऊँ सो रही है
पाठ 9: बंदर और गिलहरी
पाठ 10: पगड़ी
पाठ 11: पतंग
पाठ 12: गेंद-बल्ला
पाठ 13: बंदर गया खेत में भाग
पाठ 14: एक बुढ़िया
पाठ 15: मैं भी
पाठ 16: लालू और पीलू
पाठ 17: चकई के चकदुम
पाठ 18: छोटी का कमाल
पाठ 19: चार चने
पाठ 20: भगदड़
पाठ 21: हलीम चला चाँद पर
पाठ 22: हाथी चल्लम चल्लम
पाठ 23: सात पूँछ का चूहा

NCERT Books For Class 1 ENGLISH (Marigold – 1)
Unit 1: 1. A Happy Child
Unit 1: 2. Three Little Pigs
Unit 2: 1. After a Bath
Unit 2: 2. The Bubble, the Straw and the Shoe
Unit 3: 1. One Little Kitten
Unit 3: 2. Lalu and Peelu
Unit 4: 1. Once I Saw a Little Bird
Unit 4: 2. Mittu and the Yellow Mango
Unit 5: 1. Merry-Go-Round
Unit 5: 2. Circle
Unit 6: 1. If I Were an Apple
Unit 6: 2. Our Tree
Unit 7: 1. A Kite
Unit 7: 2. Sundari
Unit 8: 1. A Little Turtle
Unit 8: 2. The Tiger and the Mosquito
Unit 9: 1. Clouds
Unit 9: 2. Anandi’s Rainbow
Unit 10: 1. Flying Man
Unit 10: 2. Flying Man

NCERT Books For Class 1 ENGLISH (Raindrops – 1)
Chapter 1: Clap, Clap, Clap
Chapter 2: One, Two
Chapter 3: The Little Bird
Chapter 4: Bubbles
Chapter 5: Chhotu
Chapter 6: Animals and Birds
Chapter 7: Fruits and Vegetables
Chapter 8: Who Am I?
Chapter 9: Hide and Seek

NCERT Books For Class 1 Maths (Maths Magic – 1)
Chapter 1: Shapes an Space
Chapter 2: Numbers form One to Nine
Chapter 3: Addition
Chapter 4: Subtraction
Chapter 5: Number form Ten to Twenty
Chapter 6: Time
Chapter 7: Measurement
Chapter 8: Numbers form Twenty one to Fifty
Chapter 9: Data Handing
Chapter 10: Patterns
Chapter 11: Numbers
Chapter 12: Money
Chapter 13: How Many

NCERT Books For Class 1 Maths (गणित का जादू – 1)
अध्याय 1: आकृतियाँ और स्थान
अध्याय 2: एक से नौ तक की संख्याएँ
अध्याय 3: जोड़
अध्याय 4: घटाव
अध्याय 5: दस से बीस तक की संख्याएँ
अध्याय 6: समय
अध्याय 7: माप
अध्याय 8: 21 से 50 तक की संख्याएँ
अध्याय 9: आंकड़ों का उपयोग
अध्याय 10: पैटर्न
अध्याय 11: संख्याएँ
अध्याय 12: मुद्रा
अध्याय 13: बताओ कितने Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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