NCERT Books in Hindi & English Medium / NCERT Books for Class 2 All Subjects
Find NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi that will help you conquer all your hurdles in Hindi. You can find answers to the latest edition textbooks in these NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi. NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi proves to be a blessing for students trying to prepare for exams or complete crucial assignments for class. If you are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi, this is the right place. We have NCERT Solutions for class 2 hindi for all chapters. All solutions are prepared by teachers with years of experience and are extremely simple to understand. Learn easily from these solutions and share them with your friends.
NCERT Books For All Classes All Subjects
All subjects books like Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, History, Geography and other subjects in PDF form. Books for all CBSE classes and all Subjects. Also download revision books for CBSE study material based on latest CBSE Syllabus 2020-21. Not only NCERT books, NCERT solutions 2020-2021 of all subjects in PDF is also given to download in free PDF files.
NCERT Books For Intermediate (11th & 12th)
Download all books for +1 and +2 in PDF format. Class wise as well as subject wise books are given in PDF format to download. NCERT Text books for class 11 and 12 Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business studies, Maths & revision books for all subjects are available to download in PDF. Notes of
\physical education are also given to download in PDF.
गणित, विज्ञान, हिंदी, सामाजिक विज्ञान, भौतिकी, रसायन, जीव विज्ञान आदि विषयों की एन सी ई आर टी की किताबें यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें। इन किताबों के हल के लिए एन सी ई आर टी समाधान देखें।
NCERT Books For Class 2 हिंदी (रिमझिम – 2)
पाठ 1: ऊँट चला
पाठ 2: भालू ने खेली फुटबॉल
पाठ 3: म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ !!
पाठ 4: अधिक बलवान कौन?
पाठ 5: दोस्त की मदद
पाठ 6: बहुत हुआ
पाठ 7: मेरी किताब
पाठ 8: तितली और कली
पाठ 9: बुलबुल
पाठ 10: मीठी सारंगी
पाठ 11: टेसू राजा बीच बाजार
पाठ 12: बस के नीचे बाघ
पाठ 13: सूरज जल्दी आना जी
पाठ 14: नटखट चूहा
पाठ 15: एक्की-दोक्की
NCERT Books For Class 2 English (Marigold – 2)
Unit 1: 1. First Day at School
Unit 1: 2. Haldi’s Adventure
Unit 2: 1. I am Lucky!
Unit 2: 2. I Want
Unit 3: 1. A Smile
Unit 3: 2. The Wind and the Sun
Unit 4: 1. Rain
Unit 4: 2. Storm in the Garden
Unit 5: 1. Zoo Manners
Unit 5: 2. Funny Bunny
Unit 6: 1. Mr. Nobody
Unit 6: 2. Curlylocks and the Three Bears
Unit 7: 1. On My Blackboard I can Draw
Unit 7: 2. Make it Shorter
Unit 8: 1. I am the Music Man
Unit 8: 2. The Mumbai Musicians
Unit 9: 1. Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair
Unit 9: 2. The Magic Porridge Pot
Unit 10: 1. Strange Talk
Unit 10: 2. The Grasshopper and the Ant
NCERT Books For Class 2 English (Raindrops – 2)
Chapter 1: Action Song (Poem)
Chapter 2: Our Day
Chapter 3: My Family
Chapter 4: Whats Going On?
Chapter 5: Mohan, The Potter
Chapter 6: Rain in Summer (Poem)
Chapter 7: My Village
Chapter 8: The Work People Do
Chapter 9: Work (Poem)
Chapter 10: Our National Symbols
Chapter 11: The Festivals of India
Chapter 12: The Monkey and The Elephant
Chapter 13: Going to the Fair
Chapter 14: Colours (Poem)
Chapter 15: Sikkim
NCERT Books For Class 2 Maths (Maths Magic – 2)
Chapter 1: What is Long, What is Round?
Chapter 2: Counting in Groups
Chapter 3: How Much Can You Carry?
Chapter 4: Counting in Tens
Chapter 5: Patterns
Chapter 6: Footprints
Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs
Chapter 8: Tens and Ones
Chapter 9: My Funday
Chapter 10: Add our Points
Chapter 11: Lines and Lines
Chapter 12: Give and Take
Chapter 13: The Longest Step
Chapter 14: Birds Come, Birds Go
Chapter 15: How Many Ponytails?
NCERT Books For Class 2 Maths (गणित का जादू – 2)
अध्याय 1: क्या है लंबा, क्या है गोल?
अध्याय 2: गिनो मगर समूह में
अध्याय 3: तुम कितना वज़न उठा सकते हो?
अध्याय 4: दस-दस में गिनो
अध्याय 5: पैटर्न
अध्याय 6: पैरों के निशान
अध्याय 7: जग और मग
अध्याय 8: करो मज़े – दस के साथ
अध्याय 9: मज़ेदार दिन
अध्याय 10: अंक जोड़ो
अध्याय 11: रेखाएँ ही रेखाएँ
अध्याय 12: लेना और देना
अध्याय 13: सबसे लंबा कदम
अध्याय 14: आते पक्षी जाते पक्षी
अध्याय 15: कितनी चोटी हैं?
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
NCERT Books For Class 2 हिंदी (रिमझिम – 2)
पाठ 1: ऊँट चला
पाठ 2: भालू ने खेली फुटबॉल
पाठ 3: म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ !!
पाठ 4: अधिक बलवान कौन?
पाठ 5: दोस्त की मदद
पाठ 6: बहुत हुआ
पाठ 7: मेरी किताब
पाठ 8: तितली और कली
पाठ 9: बुलबुल
पाठ 10: मीठी सारंगी
पाठ 11: टेसू राजा बीच बाजार
पाठ 12: बस के नीचे बाघ
पाठ 13: सूरज जल्दी आना जी
पाठ 14: नटखट चूहा
पाठ 15: एक्की-दोक्की
NCERT Books For Class 2 English (Marigold – 2)
Unit 1: 1. First Day at School
Unit 1: 2. Haldi’s Adventure
Unit 2: 1. I am Lucky!
Unit 2: 2. I Want
Unit 3: 1. A Smile
Unit 3: 2. The Wind and the Sun
Unit 4: 1. Rain
Unit 4: 2. Storm in the Garden
Unit 5: 1. Zoo Manners
Unit 5: 2. Funny Bunny
Unit 6: 1. Mr. Nobody
Unit 6: 2. Curlylocks and the Three Bears
Unit 7: 1. On My Blackboard I can Draw
Unit 7: 2. Make it Shorter
Unit 8: 1. I am the Music Man
Unit 8: 2. The Mumbai Musicians
Unit 9: 1. Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair
Unit 9: 2. The Magic Porridge Pot
Unit 10: 1. Strange Talk
Unit 10: 2. The Grasshopper and the Ant
NCERT Books For Class 2 English (Raindrops – 2)
Chapter 1: Action Song (Poem)
Chapter 2: Our Day
Chapter 3: My Family
Chapter 4: Whats Going On?
Chapter 5: Mohan, The Potter
Chapter 6: Rain in Summer (Poem)
Chapter 7: My Village
Chapter 8: The Work People Do
Chapter 9: Work (Poem)
Chapter 10: Our National Symbols
Chapter 11: The Festivals of India
Chapter 12: The Monkey and The Elephant
Chapter 13: Going to the Fair
Chapter 14: Colours (Poem)
Chapter 15: Sikkim
NCERT Books For Class 2 Maths (Maths Magic – 2)
Chapter 1: What is Long, What is Round?
Chapter 2: Counting in Groups
Chapter 3: How Much Can You Carry?
Chapter 4: Counting in Tens
Chapter 5: Patterns
Chapter 6: Footprints
Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs
Chapter 8: Tens and Ones
Chapter 9: My Funday
Chapter 10: Add our Points
Chapter 11: Lines and Lines
Chapter 12: Give and Take
Chapter 13: The Longest Step
Chapter 14: Birds Come, Birds Go
Chapter 15: How Many Ponytails?
NCERT Books For Class 2 Maths (गणित का जादू – 2)
अध्याय 1: क्या है लंबा, क्या है गोल?
अध्याय 2: गिनो मगर समूह में
अध्याय 3: तुम कितना वज़न उठा सकते हो?
अध्याय 4: दस-दस में गिनो
अध्याय 5: पैटर्न
अध्याय 6: पैरों के निशान
अध्याय 7: जग और मग
अध्याय 8: करो मज़े – दस के साथ
अध्याय 9: मज़ेदार दिन
अध्याय 10: अंक जोड़ो
अध्याय 11: रेखाएँ ही रेखाएँ
अध्याय 12: लेना और देना
अध्याय 13: सबसे लंबा कदम
अध्याय 14: आते पक्षी जाते पक्षी
अध्याय 15: कितनी चोटी हैं?
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