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Gujarat Corona update date 25-4-2020 Evening

Gujarat Corona update date 25-4-2020 Evening

  • It is impossible to say whether the doubling rate will increase or decrease, though the figure has declined rather than increased in the last 7 days.
  • The team from the center checked at the lockdown point after the meeting of the AMC commissioner and the police commissioner
  • A team from the center can visit the city's coat area and curfew-free areas

Ahmedabad. Jamalpur, Dariapur, Khadiya, Shahpur Behrampura, Danilimda wards have been declared containment zones by the Municipal Corporation. Shops will not be able to open in all these 6 zones. Shops can be opened in the remaining 42 wards. Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra spoke on the decision taken by the state government after the Centre's announcement regarding Ahmedabad city and cantonment zone.

Appeal to pray and worship at home

Vijay Nehra sent his best wishes to the Muslim community of Ramadan live on Facebook today. He also thanked the people for their cooperation and appealed to them to offer prayers at home during Ramadan. "Due to the hard work of all of us, our figure has gone down in the last 7 days instead of up," said Ahmedabad Corona Doubling Rate. It is impossible to say whether the doubling rate will increase or decrease in the near future.

The center team checked at Corona's point

A team from the Centre's Home Department inspected the current law and order situation in Ahmedabad city after 4 p.m. Went out to check on the lockdown point. Following the team's inspection from Delhi, police personnel at the lockdown checkpoint started wearing masks, hand gloves and frequent use of sanitizers from noon onwards. A team from the Centre’s Home Department at some point asked them if they had all the facilities on provision during the lockdown. He also inquired about the implementation of the lockdown and whether people believe in it.

The meeting was held at the Hyatt Hotel

A meeting of state Home Department officials, including Municipal Commissioner, Collector, Police Commissioner has been held at Hyatt Hotel in Usmanpura area. Today, the central team has arrived in Ahmedabad with whom the Corona case has been discussed. Also, the guideline issued by the Centre's Home Department on opening shops late at night is being discussed. The center's team took control of Corona's position. The Centre's team can also visit the city's coat area and curfew-free areas. There has been a discussion on how the fight against Corona will work in the near future. Hospital arrangements and other medical equipment and corona test kits are also discussed.
Vegetable sellers sit on a picket on the Sabarmati riverfront
Vegetable sellers sit on a picket on the Sabarmati riverfront. The Gujari market near Ellisbridge was given to fruit sellers by vegetable sellers protesting. Earlier, the municipal corporation had allowed vegetable sellers to sit in Gujribazar but later did not allow them to do so. Now again there is opposition to giving space to vegetable sellers to fruit sellers. A large number of people have sat on the picket.


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