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Desh ma Tamam dukano ne sarto sathe kholvani Apai Manjuri

Desh ma Tamam dukano ne sarto sathe kholvani Apai Manjuri

Hello friends Hope you are healthy friends Lockdown time has been extended 3 May by the Government. During this time, fun activities will be provided on this blog. In addition to the government information including new circulars issued by the State Government of Gujarat and Government of India, Government of India and Gujarat.  stay Tuned Daily our site You will find the most accurate information about new government plans on this blog, as well as all of the education world  You will also be able to get new news soon. Friends are currently unable to leave the house due to coronavirus. Prime Minister Modi ji Lok has increased download time by up to 3 May.  stay Tuned Daily our site  In addition to the labels we send you, you can easily search for information by label.  Friends Here you will find all episodes of Ramayana Mahabharata Srikrishna Kapil Sharma In addition to Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma, all other types of shows will also be here. stay Tuned Daily our site  . A gentle request that you do not join more than one whatsapp group as the website post is available because all groups  The same information is put in place so that other friends also benefit from joining our group and friends especially especially you will join our telegram channel because every day in the telegram channel we get all the news papers of Gujarat such as Gujarat News Message News Divya Bhaskar News Gujarat. stay Tuned Daily our
 Friends News AKila News Evening News and all news papers in Saurashtra as well as times of India in English  Directly placed in a news paper's pdf telegram group, then let all our new friends know that we will definitely join the telegram group because friends we have a lot of whatsapp group but we have decided that we do not have time to post in all group.  We will also put all the new government information in the Telegram Group. stay Tuned Daily our site Friends are very easy use Telegram.  Remember download from Telegram is easier than whatsapp but the benefit of using it is that all posts are saved so you can join a humble request or telegram group. stay Tuned Daily our site 
Secondly, you can easily download the information that friends put information on this website . If you have problems downloading you can tell me on whatsapp message 9327948051 or you need any education information.  Such as new circulars or any type of free  study material like videos and Textbook from standard 1 to standard 12 if you can tell us by message in whatsapp our education  In addition to telling friends that the information put on this blog has been helpful to you so far, if yes you can also tell us via whatsapp message.  Friends can join your telegram channel as needed. Stay tuned Daily our site
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