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Medical Coverage for Expatriates in the USA

If you are relocating the United States, it is important to know that the US does not require all expatriates (or US citizens) to have medical coverage. However, the risk of being in the US without medical coverage is massive hospital bills or even no access to medical care. There are newer requirements for certain expats on select visa types that may require you to have health coverage.

Medical costs in the US tend to be higher than in other countries for a couple of reasons. American doctors tend to order more tests and scans than in other countries, and the US deals with a relatively high rate of medical inflation.

Compare Global Medical Plans

Health Insurance for Americans Abroad

International Health Care in the USA

The quality of medical care available in the United States is generally of a high standard. In the United States, health care is provided by private hospitals and clinics. This requires citizens to have private medical insurance. Often, an employer provides insurance that covers the employee and their immediate family. Increasingly, due to rising costs, employees are required to help cover the cost of medical insurance.
Best International Health Insurance Plans for Living in the USA

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