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Banaskantha : Salang nokri babat mahiti aapva babat

Banaskantha : Salang nokri babat mahiti aapva babat
The way it typically works is that the consumer (you) pays an up front premium to a health insurance company and that payment allows you to share "risk" with lots of other people (enrollees) who are making similar payments. Since most people are healthy most of the time, the premium dollars paid to the insurance company can be used to cover the expenses of the (relatively) small number of enrollees who get sick or are injured. Insurance companies, as you can imagine, have studied risk extensively, and their goal is to collect enough premium to cover medical costs of the enrollees. There are many, many different types of health insurance plans in the U.S. and many different rules and arrangements regarding care.

Following are three important questions you should ask when selecting health insurance.

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Banaskantha : Salang nokri babat mahiti aapva babat 

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