Karkidi Margarshan Booklet 2016 By Gujarat Information Department, Karkidi Margdarshan After 10th Class, Karkidi Margdarshan After 12th Science, Karkidi Margdarshan After 12th Commerce, Karkidi Margdarshan is Published by Gujarat Information Department, Gandhinagar on its official website http://gujaratinformation.net. and other details about Karkidi Margdarshan Booklet 2016 PDF File Download details mention below.
Karkirdi Margdarshan 2016 “Career Guidance” Book
Karkirdi Margdarshan Bookle Provide for Student 10th Class, 12th Class (Science, Commerce, Arts) All Faculty Student have Opportunities for Advance Course for his better Career. Like After 12th Science Student Can take Course Professional Course Like Agricultural Technology, Engineering Technology, Research (M.Sc. Ph.D), Para Medical, Medical, Agricultural Science, etc. and 12th Commerce Like, B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Sc.(IT), BPE, BSW, BLS, etc.
Karkirdi Margdarshan Booklet 2016
Karkidi Margdarshan Book for 10th & 12th Passed Student
Karkirdi Margdarshan Booklet also Provide Degree Engineering Last Year Cut-off Marks for the Admission Committee for Professional Course 2015-16 herewith attached and also Gujarat Medical & Para Medical Admission Course Merit list, Cut-off Marks 2015-16
Download Karkirdi Margdarshan Booklet
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