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District Health Society Kheda Nadiad Recruitment 2024

District Health Society Kheda Nadiad Recruitment 2024

The District Health Society (DHS) is a forum for stakeholders, such as Panchayat Raj Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and line departments, to participate in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of health and family welfare projects in the district.The DHS also receives, manages, and accounts for funds from the State Government for the implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the district.

The DHS is part of the National Health Mission (NHM), which has two sub-missions: the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). The goal of the NHM is to improve the availability and access to quality health care, especially for women, children, the poor, and those living in rural areas. This includes universal access to public health services such as women’s health, child health, immunization, nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and water.
National Rural Health Mission: Institutional Setup at the District level

District Health Mission and the District Health Society

On the lines of the State Health Mission, every district will have a District Health Mission headed by the Chairperson, Zila Parishad. It will have the District Collector as the Co-Chair and Chief Medical Officer as the Mission Director.
To support the District Health Mission, every district will have an integrated District Health Society (DHS) and all the existing societies as vertical support structures for different national and state health programmes will be merged in the DHS. The DHS will be responsible for planning and managing all health and family welfare programmes in the district, both in the rural as well as urban areas. There are two important implications of this requirement. Firstly, DHSs planning will have to take note of both treasury and non-treasury sources of funds, even though it may not be handling all sources directly. Secondly, its geographical jurisdiction will be greater than those of the Zilla Parishad and /or Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the district

Ensuring Inter-sectoral convergence and integrated planning should be a specific task for the Governing Body of the DHS. However, the DHS is not meant to take over the executive functions of the ZP / ULBs and/or the district health administration. On the contrary, DHS is meant to provide the platform where the three arms of governance ZP, ULBs and district health administration and district programme managers of NHM sectors get together to decide on health issues of the district and delineate their mutual roles and responsibilities

The DHS may also be viewed as an addition to the district administrations capacity, particularly for planning, budgeting and budget analysis, development of operational policy proposals, and financial management etc. Because it is a legal entity, the DHS can set up its own office which has adequate contingent of staff and experts and can evolve its own rules and procedures for hiring the staff and experts both from the open market as well as on deputation from the Government.
In other words, the DHS is not an implementing agency; it is a facilitating mechanism for the district health administration as also the mechanism for joint planning by NHM related sectors.

Human Resources Policy and Procedures

D-1 : Recruitment and Appointment

Recruitment would be through either of the following two routes:Appointments from open market: all such appointments will be on contractual basis for a fixed tenure.
Appointments on Deputation basis: all such appointments will be regulated in terms of State Government rules relating to Deputation.

Recruitment may either be made by the State Society [ e.g. recruitment of Executive Secretary from the open market or recruitment of District Programme Managers on deputation basis] OR by the DHS [e.g. recruitment of support staff for the District Programme Manager] OR a combination of both a may be determined by the State Society.

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All appointments would be temporary and would be made for the contract / deputation period as may be determined by the State Government.

D-2 : Terms of appointment (applicable to Society staff and Consultants)

The terms of appointment of the staff of the Society shall be regulated in terms of the guidelines that may be provided by the State Government.

D-3 : Compliance of Statutory Requirements :

The Society shall register itself with relevant government agencies for the purpose of complying with the statutory requirements including regulations governing deduction of tax at source relating to the staff, consultants and experts employed by it and/or consultancies / contracts awarded by it in the course of performance of its tasks.

[1] E.g. State Health Society, Haryana (SHSH), State Health Society, Bihar (SHSB) etc.

[2] The 74th Amendment provides for creation of a District Planning Committee to consolidate the plans prepared by Panchayats and Municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the district as a whole. However, the DPCs role is limited to planning only and does not include management functions.

[3] At the district level, operational policy will relate to decisions about procedures, priorities etc. which set the precedent about what management actions are to be followed by the programme managers. For example, the DHS may be authorised to relocate all or some categories of staff within the district. The DHS will be required to evolve and approve a procedure to be followed by the programme managers in this regard.

* The State may decide to designate Convenor of the District Health Mission as Mission Director in respect of the District Health Mission

[4] This provision is being made to ensure that the DHSs in other districts also benefit from avenues of improvements identified in a district.

[5] In districts having District Hospital (Male) and District Hospital (Female), Superintendents of both should be included as members of the Executive Committee.

[6] These include NPSP Medical Officers (WHO), District Programme Managers of the Border District Cluster Scheme (UNICEF) and District Programme Manager for the nutrition projects of the CARE etc. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

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