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DA Hike News: Employees are happy, dearness allowance will be 50 percent and will be merged with basic salary, there will be double benefit

DA Hike News: Employees are happy, dearness allowance will be 50 percent and will be merged with basic salary, there will be double benefit

DA Hike News: Increase in dearness allowance: Central employees' eagerness to end in few days. A new update is coming for employees on 31 January 2024. This will give double benefit to the employees. The calculation of dearness allowance of central employees is going to change this year. In fact, the complete data of dearness allowance applicable from January 1 is to be released on January 31, 2024. This data will be from AICPI. Only on the basis of this index it can be known that the percentage increase in dearness allowance for central employees will be increased.

DA Hike News

This time also there are possibilities of increase in dearness allowance of employees at the rate of 4 percent. AICPI index numbers have been declared till November. The December issue is slated to release on January 31, with a new update. The dearness allowance is likely to increase to 50 percent.

Dearness allowance of central employees will be increased to 50 percent in January 2024. Dearness Allowance (increase in DA) for central employees is made twice a year. But, how much this increase will be depends on the inflation rate. There is a possibility of increasing the allowances of central employees in proportion to inflation. Dearness Allowance will be good news for the employees in the coming time.

There will be an increase of 4 percent

There is a possibility of 4 percent increase in dearness allowance to the employees.
The dearness allowance of central employees was increased by 4 percent from July 1. The increase is effective from July 2023. Now the next dearness allowance hike is going to be announced from January 2024. The next increase is also expected to be 4 percent. According to experts the way inflation is and the AICPI-IW figures have come in, it is clear that a 4 per cent increase in the dearness allowance will also be announced in the coming days.

This means that dearness allowance is likely to be 50 per cent of basic pay from January 2024 as compared to the current 46 per cent dearness allowance.

Dearness allowance will be 0%

The Dearness Allowance rule is such that it becomes zero when a new pay scale is implemented. When the government implemented the 7th Pay Commission in 2016, the dearness allowance was reduced to zero. As per the rules, as soon as the dearness allowance reaches 50 per cent, it will be reduced to zero again and the money the employees are getting as allowance on account of 50 per cent will be added to the basic pay i.e. minimum pay.

Suppose an employee's basic salary is Rs 50000 then he will get 50% DA of Rs 25000. But, once the DA reaches 50 per cent, it will be added to the basic pay and the dearness allowance will again be zero per cent. This means that the basic pay has been revised to Rs. 75000 will be done. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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