You must have often seen Horn Ok Please written on the back of a truck. This line is so popular that a film has also been made on it. So what does this mean? Come let's find out...

"Horn Ok Please" has no legal or official meaning
'On Kerosene' written to warn drivers to keep safe distance
Horn OK Please Meaning: In India, you must have often read many things written on the back of trucks. The most popular line among them is 'Horn Ok Please'. Horn OK please is such a popular line that a film has even been made on it. But "Horn Ok Please" has no legal or official meaning, but it has become a rule in the truck world. So what does this mean? And what it really means is not. Let us understand.
'Horn ok please' means honk before passing. Through this line, truck drivers make requests to the driver of the vehicle behind them. So that he can know that someone is going to overtake him. In fact, many trucks in the past did not have side mirrors, so the only way for truck drivers to know whether there was a car behind them was to honk the horn. But in such a situation the question is why write OK in between?
Why is 'Ok' written?
There are many theories behind 'OK'. The first theory is that there was an acute shortage of diesel throughout the world during World War II. At this time the truck was filled with kerosene, which is highly flammable. At the time of an accident, this truck caught fire quickly. That is why 'On Kerosene' was written to warn drivers to maintain a safe distance. 'On Kerosene' has now changed to just OK.Also, in olden times, when most of the roads were single lane, it was necessary for small vehicles following the truck to be careful while overtaking the vehicles coming from the other lane. Due to the large size of the truck, it was difficult to see the approaching vehicles. For this reason, a white bulb was installed with the word "OK". When the person behind blows the horn, the truck driver will illuminate the "OK" bulb, informing the truck driver that he can overtake. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates
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