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Rules Changes from 1st October 2023: From LPG to 2000 Note, these rules will change in the country from October 1

Rules Changes from 1st October 2023: From LPG to 2000 Note, these rules will change in the country from October 1

There are now 2 days left to start the month of October .. But in October there are many rules to change .. Whose direct impact will have on your pocket. Many rules will be changed besides this .. Five personal finance changes to take place in 1st October 2023 So come to know what rules have been changing since October 1.

  • Rules Changes from 1st October 2023
  • Last Date to Exchange Rs 2,000 notes
  • LPG Price Decrease 1 October 2023
  • Saving Account New Rules 1st October 2023
  • Nominee for Demat Account 1st October 2023

TCS Rule from October 1, 2023

  • Change the note of 2 thousand rupees immediately
  • Last date to Exchange Rs 2,000 notes; September 30, 2023. If you have two thousand rupees notes, do this immediately… The Reserve Bank has given a deadline to change the Rs 2000 note by September 2023. After this this note paper will prove to be the same .. So that by September 30, change the note of two thousand rupees immediately.

LPG prices may fall

LPG Price Decrease 1 October 2023: According to a report, there is news of LPG prices falling again. The reason behind this is said to be election in five states. However, the petroleum companies just reduced the price of LPG by Rs 200 last month. However, it is also being said that this time the price of commercial cylinders may decrease. Sources have also claimed that petrol and diesel prices will drop drastically on October 1. Because crude oil prices are steadily declining. So expect that petroleum companies can fall in prices.

Rules of Savings Account

Saving Account New Rules 2023: Now support in small savings schemes has become mandatory. Aadhaar information is required in PPF, SSY, Post Office Scheme, etc. If you have not submitted the Aadhaar, do this work immediately… otherwise these accounts will be freezed from October 1, 2023.

Nominee inevitable in demat account

Nominee for Demat Account: According to the SEBI guideline, those who are trading in the stock market and have a demat account. They need to update the nomination in their account. According to Sebi, September 30 is deadline. Was enhanced .. There is no idea to raise the deadline again ... the account of those who do not update the nominee's name in their account can be freezed.

Tour package has to pay extra charge

TCS Rule from October 1, 2023: If you have been planning to buy a foreign tour package from next month. If you buy a tour package of less than 7 lakhs, you have to pay 5% TCS. 20 percent TCS will have to be paid on a tour package of over 7 lakhs.

New Rates on TCS

New TCS Rules: The new rate of Tax Collection at Source (TCS) will be implemented from October 1. If your spending exceeds a certain limit in the financial year, you have to pay TCS .. Rs. 20% TCS will be applied to cross the limit of 7 lakhs.

What is tcs full form?

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