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Navratri Rain Forecast: Navratri and World Cup India-Pakistan match may receive rain, weather forecast

Navratri Rain Forecast: World Cup India Pakistan Match: The much awaited festival of Navratri is starting from October 15th. So the Cricket One Day World Cup is starting from 5th October hosted by India. Also the most important match of the World Cup i.e. India-Pakistan match is to be played on October 14 at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Meanwhile, worrying news is coming for Navratri lovers and cricket fans. Let's know what Ambalal Patel's forecast says about weather and rain forecast?

Navratri rain forecast

  • The first rain forecast has been made in Gujarat
  • During Navratri, there will be cloudy weather
  • Rain is predicted even during Dussehra
  • India vs Pakistan match in World Cup is on October 14

Navratri starts from 15 October

At present, some parts of the state are experiencing light showers. It has been predicted that this situation will remain for two to four more days. However, now the rains will gradually decrease from Gujarat. The forecast of the local Meteorological Department is saying that there is a possibility of less rainfall in the state as the departure of rain from south-west Rajasthan has started. Meanwhile, Garba players and cricket fans are worried about weather expert Ambalal Patel's prediction. It has been predicted to rain on Navratri again this year.

How will the atmosphere be during Navratri and World Cup?

Meteorologist Ambalal has given the first rain forecast.
Weather expert Ambalal Patel said that rain has been predicted at many places in Gujarat on the eve of Navratri and during the match between India and Pakistan in the World Cup. Rainy system will be active in Bengal-Arabian Sea after October 7. Light showers are likely to occur in some parts of the state after October 7. Rain is also predicted during Dussehra.

Garba players, organizers and cricket fans are worried due to this forecast of rain.
They said that during Navratri, light rain showers are expected in Maharashtra and South Gujarat, Saurashtra. So during Navratri, there will be cloudy weather in some parts of the state. There is also a possibility of cloudy weather in the India-Pakistan match. Ambalal Patel's prediction has spread a wave of anxiety among Garba players and organizers and fans waiting for India Pakistan match in cricket.

Formerly Indo-Pak. Regarding the match and Navratri, Ambalal Patel said that there is a possibility of cloudy weather during Navratri. He said that on October 5, there is a possibility of heavy wind blowing on the coast of Gujarat. On October 17, the coastal areas of Saurashtra and South Gujarat will have high winds, while on November 16, light pressure will develop in the Bay of Bengal. Not only this, there is a possibility of cyclone and strong winds on 18th, 19th and 20th. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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