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Government Plan: 5 Government Plans, Useful for Farmers

Government Plan: 5 Government Plans, Useful for Farmers

Government Scheme: Useful Government Scheme for Farmers: The government runs a number of helping schemes for the farmers. The government provides assistance through many help and subsidy schemes to make farmers financially viable. In this post today, I will find information on useful government schemes for farmers.

Government scheme

Government scheme,Government scheme for farmers,PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.,i-khedut portal plans,Crop insurance scheme,Traditional Agricultural Development Scheme (PKvy)
Kisan Credit Card Scheme.

What is the website for PM Kisan scheme information?

The Gujarat government and the central government provide assistance to various businessmen through many government schemes. India is a farming country. Subsidies are provided for the purchase of these tools through many schemes to ensure that farmers are financially viable and can use modern tools in agriculture. So the farmers are also given assistance for godowns, water stitches, etc.

Government scheme for farmers

For farmers, many schemes are provided by the Government. But the main plans are as follows.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

Under this scheme, farmers are given an annual assistance of Rs. So far, a total of 14 installments have been submitted under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. For more information on this scheme, PM Kisan's Official Website will be found at

i-khedut portal plans

Portal of online applications for the highest subsidy schemes for farmers is I-Khedut Portal. This Portal is opened 2 times a year for agriculture department schemes, horticulture department schemes, etc. on the I-Khedut portal. On this portal, a portal is opened for online applications for several subsidies schemes such as tractor assistance scheme, dragon fruit planting assistance, drip irrigation plans, water stitches to make water stitches, subsidy schemes etc. to make godowns. The beneficiary is selected for applications under these schemes through a lucky draw or on an earlier basis.

Crop insurance scheme

The Central Government has launched a crop insurance scheme for farmers. Farmers often suffer losses in agriculture for reasons such as floods, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, etc. Under this scheme, the farmers are financially assisted by the government if the crop is damaged if the crop is damaged. If there is a loss of crops, pests, drought, if there is a drought, then the farmers are provided with financial assistance in the affected areas under the insurance scheme.
  • પીએમ કિસાન સમ્માન નિધી યોજના
  • i-khedut પોર્ટલ યોજનાઓ
  • ફસલ વીમા યોજના
  • પરંપરાગત કૃષિ વિકાસ યોજના (PKVY)
  • કિસાન ક્રેડિટ કાર્ડ યોજના

Traditional Agricultural Development Scheme (PKvy)

The Government of India provides Rs 50,000 per hectare to farmers under the traditional agricultural development scheme for the government to promote traditional farming. Under this scheme, biological production is provided every three years for biological processes, authentication, labeling, packaging and transportation.

Kisan Credit Card Scheme

When the farmers are needed for a loan for renovation in agriculture, the Government of India gives agricultural loans at an annual interest rate of 4 percent as a government subsidy to farmers through the Kisan Credit Card Scheme. Most farmers get loans from banks and cooperatives with the help of this scheme. Under this scheme, interest relief is often provided by the government.

Apart from this, many useful assistant schemes are also provided for farmers. Every farmers should take advantage of..

What is the website to apply online on Eye Farmer Portal?

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