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Districts of Gujarat Memorization Trick: Remember all the districts of Gujarat from the story, show this video to your children

District of Gujarat Trick to Remember: Nishal is the proper formation of a child. One who has the same level as mother is a master. Teachers always find new tricks to teach difficult topics to their students. And someone somehow makes even difficult topics easy for students to learn. That is why we have given the place after the mother to the guru or the teacher for the formation of that child. In a video that has gone viral on social media, a teacher teaches students the names of all the districts of Gujarat easily with the help of a story.

Trick to remember districts of Gujarat

Currently, a video is going viral on social media. In which a teacher is seen teaching students the names of all the districts of Gujarat. This Guruji's way of teaching is so good that children can recite the names of districts in Gujarat. There are total 33 districts in Gujarat. Remembering the names of these 33 districts makes it difficult even for adults. But this Guruji has taught the students so well with the help of stories that all the students in the class are saying the name Kalkalat.

Let us also see this trick…

One was the mother-in-law. Price it. Someone came and turned on the fan. After all the mamaras are blown away, clear them from the mob. He was chased because he was not cleared by the mob. The mother-in-law became mad because it was not cleaned. He fled to the forest. There were many leaves. There was also mango. Suddenly God came there. And said that run away. The mother-in-law got scared and slept separately. And how to sleep…..a….a…

ગુજરાતના જિલ્લા યાદ રાખવાની ટ્રીક: વાર્તા પરથી યાદ રાખો ગુજરાતના તમામ જિલ્લા, આપના બાળકોને આ વિડીયો જરૂર બતાવો

આ વાર્તામા જ્યા અક્ષરો ઘાટા(બોલ્ડ) કરેલા છે ત્યા જિલ્લાઓના નામ આવેલા છે. જે નીચે મુજબ છે.

  • સાસુ: સાબરકાંંઠા અને સુરેન્દ્રનગર
  • મમરા: મહિસાગર,મહેસાણા અને રાજકોટ
  • પંખો: પંચમહાલ અને ખેડા
  • મોબ: મોરબી અને બનાસકાંઠા
  • પોછો: પોરબંદર અને છોટા ઉદેપુર
  • ગાંડા: ગાંધીનગર અને ડાંગ
  • વનમા: વડોદરા અને નર્મદા
  • આંબો: આણંદ અને બોટાદ
  • દેવ: દેવભુમિ દ્વારકા અને વલસાડ
  • ભાગીજા: ભાવનગર , ગીર સોમનાથ અને જામનગર
  • જુદા: જુનાગઢ અને દાહોદ
  • સુતા: સુરત અને તાપી
  • અ….અ…અ..ભ..ક: અમદાવાદ, અમરેલી, અરવલ્લી, ભરુચ અને કચ્છ
Now let's see how to remember the names of districts from this story…

The letters in bold in this story are the names of the districts. Which are as follows.

  • Mother-in-law: Sabarkantha and Surendranagar
  • Mamra: Mahisagar, Mehsana and Rajkot
  • Fans: Panchmahal and Kheda
  • Mob: Morbi and Banaskantha
  • Ask: Porbandar and Chhota Udepur
  • Ganda: Gandhinagar and Dang
  • Vanama: Vadodara and Narmada
  • Mangoes: Anand and Botad
  • Dev: Devbhumi Dwarka and Valsad
  • Bhagija: Bhavnagar, Gir Somnath and Jamnagar
  • Juda: Junagadh and Dahod
  • Suta: Surat and Tapi
A….A…A..B..K: Ahmedabad, Amreli, Aravalli, Bharuch and Kutch
This trick is very easy to remember the names of the districts of Gujarat. Once the name is remembered in this way, students will never forget it. It will also be very useful for students preparing for competitive exams. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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