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Train your brain memory games App

Train your brain memory games App

Invigorate your memory and mess around with memory puzzles. Cerebrum preparing game by Senior Games. A total assortment of games that will assist you

English memory games to animate mental regions. Memory mind preparing!

Invigorate your memory and mess around with memory puzzles. Cerebrum preparing game by Senior Games. A total assortment of games that will assist you with fostering your memory abilities while having some good times. Keep in mind, memory preparing is ideally suited for all ages.

Our game can be played by children or seniors. Inside this application for mind preparing you will track down various games to test your ability of maintenance and memory in the short and long haul. Our game incorporates exemplary games like matching matches and more inventive games.

In this mind preparing game, each game has various levels so you can rehearse steadily. Moreover, you can see the score acquired in each level and envision your advancement. Ideal to animate the memory of more established individuals. Cerebrum preparing game.

Kinds OF GAMES FOR Cerebrum Preparing

- Find card matches

- Rehash successions

- Stay away from hindrances and follow the correct way

- Recollect figures and numbers

- Retain designs

- Partner objects

- Remember components of various pictures

- Distractive games to invigorate working memory

Application Elements

- Day to day memory preparing

- Cerebrum preparing game

- Accessible in 5 dialects

- Straightforward and natural connection point

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક 

ચિલ્ડ્રન યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા વિના મૂલ્યે ચેસ શીખવવા માટે 

પરીપત્ર અહિથી વાંચો

રજિસ્ટ્રેશન અહીથી કરો

- Various levels for all ages

- Consistent updates with new games

Mental Feeling

Senior memory games has a place with an assortment of games intended to animate different mental regions in grown-ups: Memory, Consideration, Handling speed, Visuospatial Capability and Coordination.

The plan of these games has been completed as a team with specialists in neuroscience and psychiatry, determined to make fun loving substance and, likewise, act as a supplement to the medicines did in wellbeing habitats.


Tellmewow is a portable game improvement organization had practical experience in simple transformation and essential convenience which makes our games ideal for the old or youngsters who basically need to play a periodic game without significant complexities. Download App

If you have any ideas for development or need to remain tuned about impending games, follow us on our informal communities.


મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક 

ગુણોત્સવ 2.0 અંતર્ગત મૂલ્યાંકન માટેની આગામી તારીખ જાહેર લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 


ગુણોત્સવ 2.0માં મુલ્યાંકનનુ નવુ માળખું

અહીથી વાંચો માર્ગદર્શિકા

હવે આ રીતે મુલ્યાંકન થશે

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