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Pradhan Mantri Kisan Credit Card Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Credit Card Yojana: Kisan Credit Card is a special credit card scheme offered by KCC Loan and Commercial Bank Co-operative Bank and Regional Rural Bank. Farmer Credit Card Day Agricultural Development has played an important role in improving the livelihood of farmers and strengthening the rural economy. If they have a credit card and need a loan, they are given a loan through Vanij Bank Co-operative Bank and Regional Gramin Bank at low interest rates.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Credit Card Yojana

The credit card scheme was launched by the central government in the year 1998 to provide loans to the farmers at authorized rates, after which many successful schemes have also been included. At present, about seven crore farmers in India are taking advantage of this card. The aim was to provide reliable sources of credit for farmers to become sustainable, while by 2023 there have been many changes in the scheme.

The Kisan Credit Card (PM-KCC Loan Scheme) scheme was launched by the central government in the year 1998 to provide cheap loans to farmers. After which many successful schemes have also been included in it. At present, about 7 crore farmers in India are taking advantage of this card. Farmers can take short-term loans when needed through Kisan Credit Card. It also aimed to provide a reliable source of loans to empower farmers. Meanwhile, by the year 2023, there have been many changes in this plan.

Benefits of Kisan Credit Card

The Kisan Credit Card now offers other facilities along with loans. This card is used to purchase pesticides and fertilizers for irrigation, storage and marketing expenses. So far, crores of farmers have benefited from this card.

How to use

Kisan credit card is offered by various financial institutions including commercial banks, cooperative banks and regional rural banks. It provides flexible loans for agricultural needs. This card is a single window mechanism for farmers which also requires a document process for availing credit card loans. No More than seven crore farmers are using this card

How to withdraw Kisan Credit Card

To get this card you have to approach local commercial bank or regional rural bank and apply for Kisan Credit Card there you have to provide all required personal and farming information.

Apart from this you have to provide information about your income and previous borrowers in the application form as well as how many required documents you have to submit.

Required document

To avail Kisan Credit Card, you have to submit the required documents along with the application form including proof of income.

Proof of ownership of agricultural land

Details of loans taken from earlier loan

The above documents are to be attached with the application form and after verification of the submitted application form and documents, Kisan Credit Card is issued by the bank.

Use of Kisan Credit Card

Credit cards can be used to finance agriculture and related activities. You can also use it for purchasing fertilizers, pesticides and machinery, irrigation, storage and marketing expenses.
The purpose of this card

To simplify the loan application process for farmers, it requires minimum documents and half the process is very easy

How much interest is charged?

The interest rate affects a lot. If you borrow up to three lakh rupees in this card, you can get this amount only at an annual interest rate of 4%. If you want to take a loan more than this, you will have to pay in different installments. You can pay in the form of flexible installments according to the time after harvesting and after selling. The government also discounts the interest on Kisan Credit Card to allow timely payment of installments. As a result, the interest burden on farmers is reduced.

Insurance is also available

Farmers with this card also get accident insurance cover, thereby providing financial security to the farmer and his family in case of calamities. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

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