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Car Tips / If you are driving a CNG car, keep these special things in mind, you will save a lot of rupees

Car Tips / If you are driving a CNG car, keep these special things in mind, you will save a lot of rupees

There are some tips and tricks that can help you save fuel and money. We are going to tell you about this in detail.

CNG is also better for the environment than petrol and diesel.

These tips and tricks can save you fuel and money

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Call Letter Download Link: Click Here (27-04-2023, 01:00 pm)

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board (GPSSB) filled current bharti form for 3437 various vacancies of Talati Mantri in February 2022. But this jobs exam is not conducted yet. Talati exam to be held on 30-04-2023 in Gujarat has been postponed. In which the exam will now be held on 07-05-2023

CNG or compressed natural gas is used as vehicle fuel. It is a cheaper fuel than petrol or diesel. Also, CNG is better for the environment than petrol and diesel. CNG reduces pollution and in such a situation the government also promotes its use. Apart from this there are some tips and tricks with the help of which you can save any of your fuel and money. We are going to tell you about this in detail.

Do not overfill the CNG tank

Never fill or overfill the CNG tank of any car or vehicle. Overfilling the CNG tank leads to more gas spillage and hence more wastage. Just as it is said not to overfill a petrol or diesel car, a CNG tank should also not be overfilled.

Do not overuse AC or heater

Just like a petrol or diesel car, using an AC or heater in a CNG car can affect your fuel consumption. So keep in mind that the AC or heater should be kept open to a minimum level. Because the AC or heater consumes a lot of energy and keeping the AC or heater on increases the CNG consumption in the car significantly.

Maintaining tire pressure

Tire pressure is very important in any fuel driven car. Low tire pressure means less pressure on the powertrain and this increases fuel consumption. That is why one should always keep the tire pressure at the right level.

Also keep gas leakage in mind

If you also have a CNG car, take special care that there is no gas leakage from the fuel tank. People who own CNG cars should keep in mind that the gas tank should be completely closed and always park your car under a tree away from the sun. Let us tell you that the sunlight falling on your car has a direct effect on the car and it reduces the chances of CNG coming out Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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