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Eklavya Model school Teacher recruitment for

Eklavya Model school Teacher recruitment for

Eklavya Model Residential School Admission Announcement Gujarat 2023-24 ||

High purpose Eklavya Model Residential Schools are functioning in the state of Gujarat to provide quality education along with good accommodation and food to the tribal children. Sadar schools are from class-6 to class-12. The school has facilities like computer education, sports art, education, library etc. Applications are invited for admission to Class-VI in Eklavya Model Residential Schools. Talentpool scheme has been created by the Government of Gujarat to ensure that Scheduled Tribe students get quality education and facilities and get admission in quality schools. Eklavya Model Residential School Entrance Exam has to be cleared to avail this talent pool scheme. (Existing rules regarding income limit of Govt. will be taken into consideration at the time of admission for availing talentpool scheme.

Eligibility Criteria: Students should belong to Scheduled Tribe (ST).

Age of students should be 10 to 13 years at the time of admission. (Minimum 10 years and maximum 13 years). Student Student's present Government School Ashramshala or recognized Grant in Aid Schools, Government recognized (as per list of Education Department) and CBSE. Valid, NIOS OBE Program – Level B certificate or RTE. As per Chapter-2 of the Act 2009 – should be studying in class-5 in schools and must have passed class-5 at the time of admission.

Priority for admission up to 5% of the total seats for children belonging to the primitive group of the tribal areas and children belonging to disadvantaged groups
Up to 10% for children of freed/nomadic/semi-nomadic castes, students whose parents have died due to left-wing extremism/insurgency/covid, children of widowed mothers, children of disabled parents, orphans (both parents are not alive) Priority will be given for admission. Priority for admission up to 3% of the total seats will be given for disabled children. (Applicable necessary certificate to be produced at the time of admission.) Places of pick up/collection of admission 

application form:

Primary School of the concerned Village All Eklavya Model Residential Schools All Gram Panchayats All Adarsh ​​Residential Schools/ Ashram Schools

All GLRS/Model Schools Sponsorship Administrator's and Assistant Commissioner's Offices Government Primary Schools All Examination Centers and Office of the District Education Officer

Places to submit the admission application form: The application form has to be filled and deposited in the examination center at which the examination is to be given in person or by post. And the admit card will be issued to the examinees from the same place. Or the application form can be sent by post to the examination center at which the examination is to be given and the admit card will be sent by post from the same examination center. If the application form is sent to any other place, it will not be accepted.

No documentary evidence of eligibility is required during the examination. If the candidates qualify at the end of the test for admission, then the supporting evidence has to be produced at the time of admission. Candidates who will be merited will be called for counseling for selection of Eklavya School Candidates will have to submit the relevant documentary evidence at that time. So the candidate is advised to apply only after verifying that he/she has the prescribed eligibility. At the time of admission the candidate will not be admitted if he/she is not eligible even though he/she has passed the examination.

Exam Pattern Exam date 01/05/2022 on Sunday

will be held, and students at 10:30 am

You have to reach the exam venue. Exam time will be from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm.

Language Ability (English, Gujarati, Hindi) in the question paper,

will be asked.

Total time for writing the paper will be 2:00 hours with optional questions from subjects related to Arithmetic, Intelligence. Exam OMR (OMR) method will be taken.

Important Dates: Date of receipt of application from 16 February 2023

Last Date of Return of Application Form : 06 – March-2023 P (Upto 6.00 PM)

Exam Date : 23-April-2023 (Sunday 2) Result Declaration Date : May 2022 (Second Week)

If any students have any problem in filling the application form then contact the below mentioned places.Free help line number – 18002337928 Eklavya Model Residential School Admission Announcement 2023-24

* Regarding the recruitment of 339 + 159 Teaching Assistants

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