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Alum is a cure for many diseases like bleeding from vagina. Know its miraculous benefits.

Alum is a cure for many diseases like bleeding from vagina. Know its miraculous benefits.

People who have a lot of cough can get rid of cough by taking alum mixed with honey. People who have bleeding gums or teeth that are loose or yellow, gargle with alum in water will increase the strength of the teeth.

When it is very hot in summer, applying alum mixed with honey heals sores and is very beneficial for removing bad breath. People who do not heal and bleed for a long time benefit from cleaning with alum water.

While sprinkling alum water on the plants to increase the acidity in the soil increases the number of flowers. People who have pores on their skin, rub a piece of alum after applying water for 5 minutes to shrink the skin.

People who have leg warts that are bleeding, then bathing their feet with alum in water relieves the pain and also improves the skin.

Making a paste of it gives relief in summer diarrhea and dysentery. In the summer season, sweating is very troublesome. Bathing with alum in bath water to get rid of it does not cause bad smell.

Alum is used to refine sugar in large factories. People who have a lot of problems during menstruation, mixing honey with alum and licking it relieves the pain and brings regular menstruation.

Alum is a cure for many diseases like bleeding from vagina. Know its miraculous benefits.
Friends, we know that alum is used to make some kitchen items. Alum is widely used after purifying it. Alum is obtained from the market for purification by heating it in an earthen vessel and after cooling it is obtained in the form of twi popper which is known as pure alum.

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