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Life Education 1. Content Knowledge (CK) Knowledge Of Content Means Knowledge Of Facts, Posted

Life Education 1. Content Knowledge (CK) Knowledge Of Content Means Knowledge Of Facts,Posted 

Life Education 1. Content Knowledge (CK) Knowledge of content means knowledge of facts, rules, concepts and content related content. The teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the subject matter, which helps the teacher in making decisions regarding the combination of methodology and technology.

3. PedagogicalKnowledge (PK) (How to teach?) Knowledge of methodology means knowledge of specific methods, tactics, various activities to be done in the classroom, student's study style and knowledge of classroom management.

The choice of appropriate method, tactics or activity, depending on the subject matter and the student's study style, is based on the teacher's knowledge of methodology. 3. Technological Knowledge (TK) (How to become a helper in technology education?) Knowledge of technology means knowledge of various technologies (software, applications and electronic tools), how to use technology in education.

3. Technological Content knowledge (TCK) (Helping to increase the knowledge of the subject with the help of technology). Use technology to gain an understanding of the subject matter, such as watching contextual videos or animations to gain an understanding of the subject matter using

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) (Use of technology to make the presentation of content effective) The teacher needs to have knowledge of how technology can be helpful to make the presentation of the content effective so that he can make his presentation simple and effective, 2, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). ) PCK means the knowledge of the teacher regarding the selection of appropriate tactics or activities for the presentation of the content.

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Here the teacher chooses the appropriate method to present the content to the student in an unobtrusive manner and uses it in the classroom. If we combine all of the above, one word is found and that is TPACK knowledge of the subject matter, effective use of methodology and knowledge to help the student learn through the choice of technology that complements .

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