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How to Apply for PAN Card Online – PAN Application

How to Apply for PAN Card Online – PAN Application

Apply for PAN Card Online: PAN or Permanent Account Number is an important document which is required to carry out certain tasks. Given this, it is necessary to have the card which contains a unique 10-digit alphanumeric code which is issued by the Income Tax Department.

You can apply for the PAN card either online or offline. Here, we take a look at how you can avail the card using online mode via the Protean eGov Technologies Limited (formerly NSDL) and UTIITSL website.

Procedure for Existing Customers to Apply for an e-PAN

The procedure for existing customers to apply for an e-PAN is mentioned below:
  • Visit
  • Enter details such as the Permanent Account Number (PAN), Aadhaar number (in the case of individuals), date of birth, GSTN (optional), and captcha.
  • Click on ‘Submit’.
  • An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
  • Enter the OTP to download the e-PAN.
In case you have not updated the email ID and mobile, you must complete that process first.

How to Apply for PAN Card Online

If you are applying for a Apply for PAN Card Online, you will have to fill in Form 49A or 49AA depending on whether you are an Indian citizen or a foreign citizen. Keep in mind that this is primarily for applicants who don’t currently have a PAN card and have never applied for one. Here are the steps to follow:
  • Step 1: Visit the NSDL website’s Online PAN Application section
  • Step 2: Select your application type: Form 49A (Indian Citizens) or 49AA (Foreign Citizens) or Changes or Correction in PAN/Reprint of PAN Card.
  • Step 3: Select your Category. The options are: Individual, Association of Persons, Body of Individuals, Trust, Limited Liability Partnerships, Firm, Government, Hindu Undivided Family, Artificial Judicial Person, and Local Authority.
  • Step 4: Fill in the Title, Last name/surname, First name, Middle Name, Date of Birth/Incorporation/Formation in DD/MM/YYYY format, email ID, mobile number, and Captcha code. Submit the form.
  • Step 5: On the next page you will receive an acknowledgement with a token number. Click on ‘Continue with PAN Application Form’ on this page.
  • Step 6: You will be directed to fill in more personal details similar to Form 49A or Form 49AA. Input all the necessary information.
  • Step 7: Choose how you want to submit the documents. You can: a) Forward application documents physically; b) Submit digitally through digital signature; c) Submit digitally through e-sign.
  • Step 8: On the same page, indicate what documents you are submitting as proofs for identity, address, and date of birth. Confirm the declaration, place and date of application. Review and submit the form. Make sure you make no mistakes.
  • Step 9: Click on ‘Proceed’ and you will be taken to the payment options. Choose between Demand Draft and Online Payment through Bill Desk.
  • Step 10: If you choose Demand Draft, you will have had to make a DD before you begin the application process as you have to provide the DD number, date of issue, amount, and the name of the bank from where DD is generated on the portal.
  • Step 11: If you choose Bill Desk, you can pay through Net Banking, and Debit or Credit Cards.
  • Step 12: Click on ‘I agree to terms of service’ and proceed to pay. The PAN application fees will vary based on whether you are sending documents separately to Protean eGov Technologies Limited or uploading online.
  • Step 13: If you pay by using your credit card or debit card or via net banking, you will receive an acknowledgement receipt and payment receipt. Print the acknowledgement receipt.
  • Step 14: Attach two recent photographs along with the acknowledgement receipt.
  • Step 15: After payment is confirmed, send the supporting documents via post or courier to Protean eGov Technologies Limited.

PAN Card Download Online UTIITSL

1. Visit the official site of the UTIITSL portal. Click Here

2. Now click on PAN card services.

3. Now click on download e-PAN, enter your PAN number, Aadhaar number, date of birth and GSTN (if applicable)

4. Now read the captcha code carefully and enter it on the box provided.
5. You will now be directed to a new page.

6. Enter your 10 digit alphanumeric PAN number
7. Enter your date of birth for your documents
8. Enter GSTIN number if required
9. Read the captcha code carefully and enter it on the box provided.
10. Review all your available details and click submit.
11. Now a link will be given to your registered mobile number or email id.
12. Click on the link and you can download the e-PAN card using OTP.
13. No, no fee is applicable for downloading e-PAN card
આ પણ વાંચો કુંવરબાઈનું મામેરું યોજના

Once your documents are received, Protean eGov Technologies Limited will process your application. If you have provided your office address as your preferred address for communication, you will also need to submit proof of office address along with your residential address proof.

How to Apply for PAN Card Online on UTIITSL Website

The procedure to apply for your PAN card on the UTIITSL website is similar to the one above. The only difference is that you have to first visit Scroll down and click on PAN Card for Indian Citizen/NRI. A new page will open where you will have to select one of the options – Apply for New Pan Card (Form 49A), Regenerate Online Pan Application, or Download Blank Pan Form.

Once you fill in the details and get the acknowledgement receipt you will need to take a print out of the same and mail it to your nearest UTIITSL office along with copies of the required documents.

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How to Apply for a Reprint or Change Details on your PAN Card Online

You can apply for a reprint of your PAN card on both the Protean eGov Technologies Limited (formerly NSDL) and the UTIITSL websites. The two situations wherein
  •  you can apply for a reprint of your PAN card are:You already have a PAN number but the PAN Card is damaged.
  • You have lost your PAN Card.
  • You wish to make a few corrections or changes to the details on your existing PAN Card.

To apply for a reprint of your PAN, you will have to fill the CSF form. here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

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