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Test papers of various units of social science class 6 to 8

Std-6 Social Science Unit Test Papers. Class-6 SS Subject Mate Ekam Kasoti Paper PDF Download Karo. Useful For Standard 6th Students and SS Teachers For Best Practice And Unit vise Tests. STD 6 : Social Science Study Material | All Units Test Papers PDF, Dhoran 7 na Vigyan Subject mate Best Study Material Jema Ekam vise Kasotipatro Taiyar Karva ma Aavel che. jeni Print kari ne Shikshako ane Vidyarthio Upayog Kari shake che.
Virtual Classroom mate Shikshako ni Talim Webinar online Microsoft Team Mobile Application dvara Yojava ma Aavshe. Aa talim Tarikh 18-06-2020 na roj Morning 10:00 kalake chalu Thashe.

Regarding the celebration of Yogadin on 21st June 2020. Ministry of Panchayati Raj, New Delhi, Ta. Including the letter dated 12/06/2020 stating that 21st June has been declared as International Yoga Day by the United Nations. Over the past five years, Yogdin has become a ubiquitous campaign for health and well-being. Given the prevailing circumstances, the importance of yoga has increased due to epidemics like COVID-19. Yoga is especially important for boosting immunity, reducing stress and maintaining a healthy body.

In the current scenario, various online trainings on Yoga and Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) have been organized by the Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi to ensure a smooth celebration of Yoga Day at home. The various trainings released by the Ministry of AYUSH can be viewed on any of the enclosed social media websites attached to it. Ensure that this information is widely disseminated.

As per the announcement made by Hon’ble Prime Minister in “Mann Ki Baat” program on 31st May 2020, the Ministry of AYUSH has organized a video blogging competition called “Jeevan Yoga” for IDY-2020. / Has been live since 2020. Instructions for participating in the competition are included in Appendix-2.

સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન ધોરણ 6 થી 8 ના વિવિધ એકમોના ટેસ્ટ પેપર

ધોરણ :- 6 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન

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ધોરણ :- 7 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન

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ધોરણ :- 8 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન

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