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A village near Gujarat where there is mourning on Dussehra, Dashanan Ravana is worshiped in the temple

A village near Gujarat where there is mourning on Dussehra, Dashanan Ravana is worshiped in the temple

The people of Jodhpur consider themselves descendants of Ravana. There is such a society in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Who mourns on the day of Dussehra. On this day, full-ritual worship is performed at Ravana's temple in Jodhpur. Ravana is considered the son-in-law of Jodhpur.

Today is Dussehra . People celebrate by burning Ravana on the day of Dussehra. There, today in Jodhpur, Rajasthan , Dussehra , the effigy of Ravana is burnt on Dussehra, symbolizing the victory of truth over falsehood. But there is a society in Jodhpur of Rajasthan which celebrates the Dussehra day as a form of mourning.

In fact, the Srimali Dave Godha family of Jodhpur considers themselves descendants of Ravana. He observes the Dussehra day as a form of mourning. On this day, full rituals are performed in the temple of Ravana in Jodhpur.

Worship of Ravana

Srimali Godha Brahmins say that Ravana was a great scholar of music as well as a great scholar of astrology. It is believed that Ravana's wife Mandodari was a resident of Mandor in Jodhpur. So Ravana is considered the son-in-law of Jodhpur.

Located on the Mehrangarh Fort Road in Jodhpur, the temple houses the idols of Ravana and Mandodari. This temple is also constructed by Srimali Brahmins of Godha Gautra. They believe that by worshiping Ravana one gets one's wish. There it protects them from the evil eye.

Pandit Kamlesh Kumar of Mandodari Aradha
Says, "Bathing is necessary after the burning of Ravana." Earlier, when there was a reservoir, we all used to bathe there. But now we take bath outside the houses. Also, it is necessary to change the gene at this time. Apart from that, Ravana and Shiva are also worshiped in the temple. Goddess Mandodari is also worshiped at that time.
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