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Download Latest News About std10 And 12 Board Exam

Download Latest News About std10 And 12 Board Exam

Live monitoring of cc chanting will be done during the board’s standard 10, 12 move examination
The third eye from outside the examination roomNavgujarat Time> Ahmedabad | Two copies of the footage must be submitted after the examination is completed! If found, immediately against it.A copy case will be filed. – During Gujarat Secondary and Higher Examinations on CCTV or tablet at each of the centers

The board will be monitored by the Board of Secondary Education from March 28 for live monitoring. It will be recorded during the examination. So that the examination.In the action plan also, after completion of the announcement, the recording of the footage should be taken in DC and made into two copies and sent to the zonal officer through the representative of Std. 10 and 12 to be taken by the government. If on the day of the exam
Has come. If the footage cannot be given even from outside the classroom during the examination, then it must be sent the next day

CCTV cameras and tablets will keep a close eye on the students. The district level committee will have to check the footage. In which district recording will be kept in almost all examination centers. To prevent irregularities in the examination

ગુજરાતીમાં સમાચાર વાંચો અહીંથી

As it is scheduled on the Education Officer, Primary District Education Officer, Principal of DIET, Collector, the Board consists of a representative of the office having CCTV every year and a representative with technical knowledge.
The committee will send a report to the board if there is any irregularity in the footage of the examination being conducted in the classes where live examination is held at the examination venue. But this time the footage will be examined by this CCT committee. If checking

In case of any misconduct by a student while conducting live monitoring of V in consultation with District Collector, BE, BCA has been decided for the student, room technical staff. In order to send to the board a complete report on the DVD verification operation by the Bailey team when there will be MCA, Polytechnic, ITI, commuter, including the basis of hearing to the examining inspector, venue administrator etc.

It will be constantly monitored by the teacher and technical staff.Will be. Based on this report, the students will be sentenced by the board. Even during board exams in the past.If a student is found copying on every building after getting the name, then based on the footage, copy cases have been filed against thousands of students.
Copy case against him immediately to arrange CCTV supervisor.

For state by the Board. CCTV will come. For this purpose, in addition to the room inspector, a supervisor will now be appointed in each building to have a live monitoring team in and out of each building during the examination of live viewing. The exam will be constantly monitored.The Live Monitoring Team will also periodically descend 14.98 of Std. The team will also be examined by a team of CCTV footage and a quad representative. Thus, from March 28, lakhs of students will be required to sit outside the classroom and conduct monitoring and here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

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