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WISE Online Class, Std 9 Daily Online Education

WISE Online Class, Std 9 Daily Online Education

Teach Online Classes for FREE. Get started in just 30 Seconds

WISE – your trustable online teaching app right at your fingertips where you can admit unlimited students!

Just open the app, create your classroom, invite students to join and begin with them a journey of comprehensive online classroom experience with a simple interface.


Create separate rooms for every class you teach online. One-time creation that gets automatically shared with your students. No more meeting links and password sharing before every class.


A lot of time is wasted on taking attendance manually during the class. So, we give you attendance reports right after every online class you take including the percentage of class attended by every student.


Start discussions with or among students for resolving doubts anytime after the class. Stop juggling across WhatsApp groups to keep a track of students’ doubts and queries. Use the discussion board to post-course updates or any class-wide announcements.


Share study modules, pre-reads, references, online curated content, course-related video links, etc.


Give assessments as per your choice - day and time deadlines, or no deadlines. Get ‘Classroom feels’ with audio feedback on every submission, grade them, and mark one of the submissions as a solution you think is correct to guide other students


Upload questions in seconds, create and schedule MCQ’s along with marking scheme as you seem fit.

ધોરણ ૯ પેપર સ્ટાઇલ PDF


If you are a teacher or tutor teaching online, want the world to know about it? Use WISE’s posters to create awareness about your class via WhatsApp or any other platform!

ધોરણ 11 પેપર સ્ટાઇલ PDF

It is extremely simple to use and works smoothly even on low bandwidth. So, get started with WISE App today!

ધોરણ: ૯ તા.૨૦/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો વિષય: વિજ્ઞાન

ધોરણ: ૯ તા.૧૯/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો વિષય: વિજ્ઞાન

ધોરણ: ૯ તા.૧૮/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો વિષય: વિજ્ઞાન

ધોરણ: ૯ તા.૧૭/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો વિષય: વિજ્ઞાન

ધોરણ. ૧૦ તા.૧૫/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો-વિષય: ગણિત

ધોરણ. ૧૦ તા.૧૨/૧/૨૦૨૨ વિડીયો-વિષય: ગણિત

Are you a teacher at a school? Or a principal who wants to keep a track on teachers’ and students’ progress? Do you run a coaching institute? Or an individual teacher? Do you want to start your online course, but overwhelmed with managing its operations?

WISE App – a solution for all your online educational problems, in one place!

As a school teacher, create a timetable for your students on WISE App without the need of having to schedule meetings and sending meeting ids/passwords every time. Increase engagement level by facilitating after class discussions, sharing class material or videos and conducting regular assessments. Receive automated attendance reports, right after every class you teach here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates

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