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15 effective home remedies to get rid of acidity

15 effective home remedies to get rid of acidity


Irregular living standards are the main cause of acidity....

ACDT can take control of our diet.

Consumption of radish is beneficial in acidity.

Drinking lemon water also eliminates acidity.

Even if you take stomach acidity lightly, did you know that this acid is so strong that it melts a razor blade? That is why few doctors consider it very terrible. He says that if this acid is so strong, think how much damage it will do inside the body.

Stomach problems are becoming more common due to today's hectic and erratic lifestyle. Acidity is usually caused by eating fried, shelled and spicy foods. There is no set time for eating, which causes acidity. When more than normal acid is excreted in the stomach, it is called acidity. Here are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of acidity.

Home Remedies for Acidity

When acidity occurs, it should be consumed by making jethi honey powder or raab. This leads to an advantage in acidity.

Neem bark powder or steep bark water should be filtered and drunk at night. Doing so cures acidity or acidity.

Triphala powder is beneficial in case of acidity. Drinking Triphala with milk removes acidity.

આનુવંશિક રોગો

આંખ, નાક, ગળુ

એલર્જી સંબંધિત

કિડની વિષે

કેન્સર સંબંધિત

જન્મજાત બહેરા-મુંગા બાળકો સંબંધિત

ચામડીના રોગ સંબંધિત

દાંત વિશેની માહિતી

પોષણ સંબંધિત

ફેફસા સંબંધિત

મગજને સંબંધિત

કાલ્પનિક ભય વિશે


લીવર સંબંધિત

શરીરના અંગો સાથે સંકળાયેલ રોગો                                  

સુક્ષ્માંણુંથી થતા રોગો


ડાયાબિટીસમાં અંકુશ

હાડકા સંબંધિત


હ્રદય સંબંધિત

પેટ ખરાબ થવાના કારણો : પેટ ખરાબ થવાના કારણોની વાત કરીએ તો ખાનપાનનું અસંતુલન, વધારે પડતું બહારના જંક ફૂડ ખાવાથી, વધારે પડતું તીખું અને ચટપટો ખોરાક ખાવો, બેક્ટેરિયાથી દુષિત ખોરાક અથવા પાણીનું સેવન કરવાથી, ફૂડ પોઈઝ્નીંગ, લીવરમાં ખરાબી વગેરે જેવા કારણોથી પેટ ખરાબ થાય છે, આજના આર્ટીકલમાં અમે તમને વારંવાર પેટમાં થતો ગેસ, અપચો અને ગડબડી જેવી સમસ્યાને કાયમી દુર કરવાના ઘરેલું ઈલાજ વિષે જણાવવાના છીએ.

Dried grapes should be dipped in milk and boiled. Cooling the milk afterwards is beneficial and the acidity is cured.

Squeeze a few crushed black peppers and half a lemon in 1 glass of warm water and drink it regularly in the morning.

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Making a powder of fennel, amla and rose flower and taking half a teaspoon in the morning and evening is beneficial in acidity. Radishes should be eaten as a salad due to acidity. It is beneficial to cut the radish and sprinkle black pepper and black salt on it.

Mix nutmeg and ginger to make a powder. Taking one pinch of this powder removes acidity. If acidity occurs, raw fennel should be chewed. Chewing anise removes acidity.

Mix ginger and prawns to make raab. Drinking this raab in the morning and evening removes the problem of acidity.

Drinking warm water on an empty stomach in the morning and evening is beneficial in acidity.

Drinking coconut water relieves acidity.

Cloves are very beneficial for acidity. If acidity occurs, cloves should be sucked.

Eating jaggery, bananas, nuts and lemons cures acidity here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates
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