Anubandham GOG Job Application |
Anubandham GOG Job Application | : Anubandham GOG Job Application 2021 : Anubandham | Anubandham App |Anubandham Jobs App| Anubandham GOG | Anubandham Nokri App| | Anubandham Login | Anubandham Registration | Anubandham Website
ANUBANDHAM” A New Umbrella for Bridging Aspirant’s Needs through Direct Hiring between job Applicants & eMployers.
“Anubandham” is an initiative from the Directorate of Employment & Training (DET), Government of Gujarat. The App is primarily focused to connect the opportunities with the aspirations of the youth of the State. Anubandham facilitates Job Seekers and Job Providers through auto-matching in a highly transparent and user-friendly manner. This app is also supported by the Anubandham initiative of the department. Mobile App “Anubandham” facilitates users to find and apply for a suitable job posted by the recruiters and job providers. Alerts and Notifications make them informed about their scheduled interviews and recent happening on the portal. The easy job posting, resume parser, Job Application tracking, schedule management, and advance search based on the sectors and functional areas are key features of the App.

Anubandham GOG Job Application
At present, under the State Department of Labor and Employment, the Office of the Director of Employment and Training has launched ‘Anubandham’ web portal and mobile app to provide employment to every youth in the state and to provide good skilled manpower to the employers.
This portal will act as a bridge between the employer and the youth seeking employment. For this, the youth who want to get a job and those who want to give a job have to register on the portal
Important Links:
Download Anubandham (GOG) Job Application
Anubandham Registration On WebPortal
Anubandham Login On Web Portal
Companies and other organizations can find job vacancies by going to this affiliate portal and get a job through online-offline interview by registering in this app and finding a suitable job. This app will be very helpful for the youth who are wandering around to get employment.
Information contained in this user manual has been obtained from “Anubandham Portal” for Directorate of Employment & Training. Every care has been taken by the staff in compilation of the data contained herein and in verification of its accuracy when published, however the content of this training manual is subject to change without notice due to factors outside the control of IT-Team and this manual should, therefore, be used as a guide only. For example, the products referred to in this publication are continually improved through further research and
development and this may lead to information contained in this manual being altered without.
User will be able to see the below(dashlet):
Main Dashboard: Already as per the user.
Profile: User can configure and update the information for their respective profile.
Employer: User can find the specific employer and their listed job.
Search Job: User can find the relevant job matching with the profile from the listed job and can
also apply.
Job Applied: User can view the information/status for their respective applied job and can accept
or reject the offer made by an employer after being selected by the employer.
My Interview: User can view, accept and reject the interview request from the employer
- registration will end successfully after that.
Click Here | |
Anubandham Portal Registration |
Job Fair: User can view, register and participate by applying for the jobs listed in the
Job Fair.
Download: User can view and download the provisional acknowledgement letter (if
applicable) and Job Fair entry pass (if applicable) with respect to the application made
for the jobs listed on the portal.
1.9 Job Fair
Dashlet allows you, as a jobseeker to view, register and participate in any/all of the job fair
organized in Gujarat State through the Anubandham portal. Your have to pre-registered (i.e apply
for the listed job by an employer) in a job fair to receive the entry pass for the venue access.
Click the “Job Fair” dashlet. This displays the “Job Fair” screen.
Job Seeker can view the list of Job Fair along-with the details such as: Date, Time, Address,
Any important instructions/notification listed by an organizer.
Job Seeker is required to click “Know more” to view more information about the respective job
fair such as: Number and details of employer registered for that job fair; Job listed by the
respective employer.
To apply for a job, Job Seeker is required to click “Listed Job” to view the job’s listed by an
Click the “Job Preview” link to view details of the job.
Click the “Apply for job” link of a job, to apply for it
Same can also be viewed under the section “Job Applied”.
Once the Job Seeker apply for any one or more jobs (as per the eligibility criteria) listed in
the respective job fair, entry pass for the venue access is automatically generated by the
Option to view/download/print the “Job Fair entry pass” will be made available in the “Download”
dasheof the portal under the respective job fair with option named as “Download entry pass”.
10.Dashlet allows you, as a jobseeker to view, download and print all the provisional
acknowledgement letter and respective job fair entry pass from the here: Exam Notification, Exam Date, Exam Fees, Syllabus, Online Application Process, Exam Preparation Tips, Exam Study Material (General Knowledge-GK, Current Affairs , Gujarati and English Grammar, Mathematical Reasoning so Daily visit my site is All in one Education information website, like primary Education paripatra & GR, std 1 to 8 all material, textbook, adhyayan nishpattio, Teachers Edition, Timetable, sce patrako, xamtao, pragna material all information so Daily visit This Site for More Updates
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag :
government yojnao
2 Comments "Anubandham GOG Job Application |"
Gir somnath